Happy 80th birthday to my very special Dad, Don Wolf! We had a great surprise birthday party for him this month in Fort Wayne. God has blessed him with a wonderful life, even starting with the very difficult early life of losing both of his parents in middle school to sickness (working full time through high school and eating mostly cheese sandwiches every day), then marrying my wonderful Mom and four children (I am youngest), working his way up to CEO of HWI/Do It Best Corp, and all his life and now even in his 80’s working hard for especially children’s charities (starting and continuing work with Big Brothers/Big Sisters in Fort Wayne and nationally, his church, and many programs in the school system there for underpriviledged children). A great Dad and example, and he now gives cards with the advice below to people because so many have asked him.
Keys to a Happy and Productive Life: (by Don Wolf)
-Treat Others as You Would Like to be Treated (he always told me to walk a mile in others shoes)
-Be Happy and Have and Optimistic Attitude
-Think for Yourself – Don’t be a Follower
-Finish the Job (and I would add to always look to God and the cross)
In this blog article I am excited to write a summary of a terrific Family Life marriage retreat my husband and I attended this month, a summary of a very good and insightful parenting book I have read for my woman’s bible study group, cold and sinusitis treatment, and especially to write about my great fitness and workout trainer Eric (and his Fitness Tips).
Common Cold and Sinusitis Evaluation and Treatment Summary
The average occurrence of the common cold in preschool children is 5-7 episodes/year and decreases to 2-3/year in adulthood and last about 7-10 days. They are caused by viruses transmitted mostly by hand contact (and can live on hands for up to 2 hours) – we all need to be very cautious to wash our hands frequently (or apply antibacterial hand gel), especially if we have any symptoms of a cold (and persistently train our children)!
Antibiotics are not used to treat the common cold, because they cannot kill viruses and taken early do not prevent bacterial infections which occasionally result from the common cold. They are occasionally needed after about 10 days if persistent signs of yellow or green drainage, if symptoms worsen within 10 days of initial improvement, or develop into painful ear infections. (Certainly strep throat is bacterial and requires antibiotics right away. Strep throats usually present with only a sore throat and fever, and often fatigue and gland swelling. Rarely is it accompanied by any nasal or chest symptoms.)
Treatment-symptomatic treatment is the mainstay for common colds
Nasal Saline Irrigations (such as Neil Med products which I use daily, and available in our office and at drugstores) – Washing the nasal cavities with saline often gives immediate great relief and reduces nasal drainage/congestion/pressure, removes secretions, and rinses away allergens and irritants and can be used daily (as I do because of recurrent sinus infections in the past and allergies) or as needed and multiple times daily. They can be used immediately prior to using other nasal medicines so the nose is freshly cleaned before using the medicines. I feel the bottle washes give the best pressure to relieve symptoms, followed by the nettipots and lastly sprays. Even my 8 year old requests this first line for significant nasal cold symptoms!
Antihistamines – These can alleviate runny nose and sneezing, but also can cause dryness and sometimes sedation. OTC medicines are Claritin (nonsedating), zyrtec (occasionally sedating), and benedryl (always sedating but good at bedtime!). Rx ones are allegra (available generic), clarinex, and xyzall.
Decongestants – pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) and phenyephrine can decrease nasal congestion. Topical nasal spray Afrincan be very effectively used for several days (but not longer than 1 week at a time or nasal dependence can happen).
Expectorants – Mucinex (guafenesin) can in some people thin secretions and decrease cough.
Antitussives - Cough suppressants with dextromethorphan (Delsym, Robitussin DM) or codeine/hydrocodone are of variable help for coughs.
Nasal Sprays
Intal – can improve cold symptoms
Atrovent - can help runny nose and sneezing
Steroid nose sprays (generic Flonase, brands Nasacort, Nasonex, Veramyst, Omnaris, Rhinocort) – these have more proven benefit for allergic rhinitis as does sinuglair pills.
Zinc sprays or lozenges – have minor benefits for cold symptoms, and rarely the nosesprays can make a person lose their sense of smell.
Echinacea – has minor benefits in treating common colds in most people.
Prevention of Common Colds
Exercise – moderate intensity exercise over one year has been shown to decrease colds, so as I say “Just do it!”
Vitamin C – 500 – 1000mg daily can help in preventing colds for some people.
Vitamin D – 1000-2000iu/day or doubling your usual dose can boost your immune system to help prevent colds for 1-2 weeks around exposures, and more studies will likely come out soon showing maybe even higher doses for about a week around cold exposure can help.
Vitamin E – 200iu/day has been shown to help in some people.
Echinacea – may help in decreasing colds.
Antibiotics for Sinusitis and Ear Infections
Bactrim – trimethoprim/sulfamethoxisole
Macrolides – zpac, e-mycin, biaxin
Cephalosporins – Keflex, Ceftin, Omnicef and others
Augmentin – amoxicillin and clavulinic acid
Avelox or Levaquin
Fitness Tips by Eric
Types of Lifting
There are different ways to lift to achieve different goals. Many people get confused on the different types of lifting or they get stuck doing one type and do not vary their workouts.
As I mentioned in the first blog that I take new clients through a basic workout I also will vary their workouts up every few weeks. Like I said before I typically will do 2 sets of 12 repetitions with a beginner. After that I will have them do 3 sets of 12 repetitions. This is typically for a weight loss regiment. To add some muscle tone I have a client do 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions. Then to add on muscle mass I have clients do 3 sets of 4-6 repetitions.
Seventy-five percent of my clients are for weight loss. Because of this I also make sure that I have them do a lot of cardio work. But I also will take them through the 3 different types of strength training. When a client starts with me I tell them that I will have them do all types of lifting to help them reach their goals. One aspect of weight loss that most people forget is that the more muscle that a person has the more fat they can burn. The more muscle a person has it increases their metabolism, which is how our body burn energy. One area where most people fail in lifting is by not mixing their workout. Typically a routine is good for about 4 weeks before it should be changed. What I mean by this is changing the repetitions. The first 4 weeks I use the 3x12, then the next 4 weeks I use the 3x8-10 and next 4 weeks is the 3x4-6.
With this routine I am able to transforms a person’s body. Typically I can help a person loose weight and make them stronger and get toned. This isn’t a fool proof plan. It takes a lot of work and dedication by the client. I make it very clear to my clients that they will have to work to make their changes. It takes time to change a body especially if you haven’t been active for a long time.
Use these different ways of lifting to help spur you past any plateaus. Remember to change our workout up about every 4 weeks. If you have any questions or need clarification please let me know. You can email me at eric_walden@waldospersonaltraining.com
Eric Walden has been my personal trainer for the past 9 months. I had trained with a personal trainer for 2 years a decade ago, but since then weight lifted about twice weekly by myself. Last year I decided to hire Eric to train my son Brendan twice weekly for football. He has done a tremendous job with his strength and conditioning/speed. When Brendan had football practices every weekday last Fall, I decided to train with Eric because I was very impressed with Eric’s hard work and excellent results with Brendan. I wanted to challenge my body and muscles by varying my usual routine. Since working with Eric ½ hour twice weekly, my strength and tone all over have tremendously increased. I really enjoy being stronger for my posture, feeling about my body, and all my activities. Eric is so talented in utilizing varied methods of exercise to achieve results in overall strength, tone, core, and weight loss.
Eric is available to train clients in their homes (and can bring needed weights, exercise ball, bose ball, elastic bands) or in his gym at his home in the Fishers area. He has packages for 30 or 60 minute sessions, or 30 or 60 minute buddy sessions. Eric also will do an individual assessment and provide 4 days of written exercises for $75.00. Please contact him by email (see above) or phone (765-404-7343) to significantly improve your health!
Dr. Lisa
Family and Faith
“A Weekend to Remember” Marriage Retreat (http://www.familylife.com/)
This is a marriage, life, and family changing terrific Christian marriage retreat. My husband Bruce and I so learned, discovered, enjoyed, and were renewed by attending this conference! It is tremendous and life/marriage changing to take the time to focus on each other and learn to love your spouse better the way they want to be loved.
Keys to a Happy and Productive Life: (by Don Wolf)
-Treat Others as You Would Like to be Treated (he always told me to walk a mile in others shoes)
-Be Happy and Have and Optimistic Attitude
-Think for Yourself – Don’t be a Follower
-Finish the Job (and I would add to always look to God and the cross)
In this blog article I am excited to write a summary of a terrific Family Life marriage retreat my husband and I attended this month, a summary of a very good and insightful parenting book I have read for my woman’s bible study group, cold and sinusitis treatment, and especially to write about my great fitness and workout trainer Eric (and his Fitness Tips).
Common Cold and Sinusitis Evaluation and Treatment Summary
The average occurrence of the common cold in preschool children is 5-7 episodes/year and decreases to 2-3/year in adulthood and last about 7-10 days. They are caused by viruses transmitted mostly by hand contact (and can live on hands for up to 2 hours) – we all need to be very cautious to wash our hands frequently (or apply antibacterial hand gel), especially if we have any symptoms of a cold (and persistently train our children)!
Antibiotics are not used to treat the common cold, because they cannot kill viruses and taken early do not prevent bacterial infections which occasionally result from the common cold. They are occasionally needed after about 10 days if persistent signs of yellow or green drainage, if symptoms worsen within 10 days of initial improvement, or develop into painful ear infections. (Certainly strep throat is bacterial and requires antibiotics right away. Strep throats usually present with only a sore throat and fever, and often fatigue and gland swelling. Rarely is it accompanied by any nasal or chest symptoms.)
Treatment-symptomatic treatment is the mainstay for common colds
Nasal Saline Irrigations (such as Neil Med products which I use daily, and available in our office and at drugstores) – Washing the nasal cavities with saline often gives immediate great relief and reduces nasal drainage/congestion/pressure, removes secretions, and rinses away allergens and irritants and can be used daily (as I do because of recurrent sinus infections in the past and allergies) or as needed and multiple times daily. They can be used immediately prior to using other nasal medicines so the nose is freshly cleaned before using the medicines. I feel the bottle washes give the best pressure to relieve symptoms, followed by the nettipots and lastly sprays. Even my 8 year old requests this first line for significant nasal cold symptoms!
Antihistamines – These can alleviate runny nose and sneezing, but also can cause dryness and sometimes sedation. OTC medicines are Claritin (nonsedating), zyrtec (occasionally sedating), and benedryl (always sedating but good at bedtime!). Rx ones are allegra (available generic), clarinex, and xyzall.
Decongestants – pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) and phenyephrine can decrease nasal congestion. Topical nasal spray Afrincan be very effectively used for several days (but not longer than 1 week at a time or nasal dependence can happen).
Expectorants – Mucinex (guafenesin) can in some people thin secretions and decrease cough.
Antitussives - Cough suppressants with dextromethorphan (Delsym, Robitussin DM) or codeine/hydrocodone are of variable help for coughs.
Nasal Sprays
Intal – can improve cold symptoms
Atrovent - can help runny nose and sneezing
Steroid nose sprays (generic Flonase, brands Nasacort, Nasonex, Veramyst, Omnaris, Rhinocort) – these have more proven benefit for allergic rhinitis as does sinuglair pills.
Zinc sprays or lozenges – have minor benefits for cold symptoms, and rarely the nosesprays can make a person lose their sense of smell.
Echinacea – has minor benefits in treating common colds in most people.
Prevention of Common Colds
Exercise – moderate intensity exercise over one year has been shown to decrease colds, so as I say “Just do it!”
Vitamin C – 500 – 1000mg daily can help in preventing colds for some people.
Vitamin D – 1000-2000iu/day or doubling your usual dose can boost your immune system to help prevent colds for 1-2 weeks around exposures, and more studies will likely come out soon showing maybe even higher doses for about a week around cold exposure can help.
Vitamin E – 200iu/day has been shown to help in some people.
Echinacea – may help in decreasing colds.
Antibiotics for Sinusitis and Ear Infections
Bactrim – trimethoprim/sulfamethoxisole
Macrolides – zpac, e-mycin, biaxin
Cephalosporins – Keflex, Ceftin, Omnicef and others
Augmentin – amoxicillin and clavulinic acid
Avelox or Levaquin
Fitness Tips by Eric
Types of Lifting
There are different ways to lift to achieve different goals. Many people get confused on the different types of lifting or they get stuck doing one type and do not vary their workouts.
As I mentioned in the first blog that I take new clients through a basic workout I also will vary their workouts up every few weeks. Like I said before I typically will do 2 sets of 12 repetitions with a beginner. After that I will have them do 3 sets of 12 repetitions. This is typically for a weight loss regiment. To add some muscle tone I have a client do 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions. Then to add on muscle mass I have clients do 3 sets of 4-6 repetitions.
Seventy-five percent of my clients are for weight loss. Because of this I also make sure that I have them do a lot of cardio work. But I also will take them through the 3 different types of strength training. When a client starts with me I tell them that I will have them do all types of lifting to help them reach their goals. One aspect of weight loss that most people forget is that the more muscle that a person has the more fat they can burn. The more muscle a person has it increases their metabolism, which is how our body burn energy. One area where most people fail in lifting is by not mixing their workout. Typically a routine is good for about 4 weeks before it should be changed. What I mean by this is changing the repetitions. The first 4 weeks I use the 3x12, then the next 4 weeks I use the 3x8-10 and next 4 weeks is the 3x4-6.
With this routine I am able to transforms a person’s body. Typically I can help a person loose weight and make them stronger and get toned. This isn’t a fool proof plan. It takes a lot of work and dedication by the client. I make it very clear to my clients that they will have to work to make their changes. It takes time to change a body especially if you haven’t been active for a long time.
Use these different ways of lifting to help spur you past any plateaus. Remember to change our workout up about every 4 weeks. If you have any questions or need clarification please let me know. You can email me at eric_walden@waldospersonaltraining.com
Eric Walden has been my personal trainer for the past 9 months. I had trained with a personal trainer for 2 years a decade ago, but since then weight lifted about twice weekly by myself. Last year I decided to hire Eric to train my son Brendan twice weekly for football. He has done a tremendous job with his strength and conditioning/speed. When Brendan had football practices every weekday last Fall, I decided to train with Eric because I was very impressed with Eric’s hard work and excellent results with Brendan. I wanted to challenge my body and muscles by varying my usual routine. Since working with Eric ½ hour twice weekly, my strength and tone all over have tremendously increased. I really enjoy being stronger for my posture, feeling about my body, and all my activities. Eric is so talented in utilizing varied methods of exercise to achieve results in overall strength, tone, core, and weight loss.
Eric is available to train clients in their homes (and can bring needed weights, exercise ball, bose ball, elastic bands) or in his gym at his home in the Fishers area. He has packages for 30 or 60 minute sessions, or 30 or 60 minute buddy sessions. Eric also will do an individual assessment and provide 4 days of written exercises for $75.00. Please contact him by email (see above) or phone (765-404-7343) to significantly improve your health!
Dr. Lisa
Family and Faith
“A Weekend to Remember” Marriage Retreat (http://www.familylife.com/)
This is a marriage, life, and family changing terrific Christian marriage retreat. My husband Bruce and I so learned, discovered, enjoyed, and were renewed by attending this conference! It is tremendous and life/marriage changing to take the time to focus on each other and learn to love your spouse better the way they want to be loved.
I strongly encourage you to spend the time and effort on each your marriage and family legacy to attend this or a similar marriage enrichment conference. Your spouse is your gift from God!
The topics covered were
Why Marriages Fail - due to difficult adjustments (differing backgrounds, motivations, expectations), culture's pattern of 50/50 (vs God's encouraging oneness, giving 100%, looking at self), inevitable difficulties (need plan so will not drive apart), extramarital "affairs" (work, kids, activities/business, materialism, fantasy/porn, infidelity, isolation), and selfishness
Can We Talk – helping communication w a project - how can we understand our spouse (and NOT how we can get them to dowhat we want), LISTEN/repeat back/ask more questions
Unlocking the Mystery of Marriage - Our spouse is our gift from God
God's purpose for oneness -- to mirror God's image, mutually complete one another, multiply a Godly legacy with your children, keep away Satan (no secrets, work on yourself /strugglesand be willing to hear feedback about yourself, be more dependent upon God)
From How to Wow - God's plan for oneness and a project (writing each other a love letter) -- Leave (establish independence from parents), Cleave (establish commitment to one another), Become ond flesh (establish intimacy with one another) - this can be very difficult due to our differences, weaknesses, and self-centeredness
-we need to celebrate differences and help in each other's weaknesses
What Every Marriage Needs - God's power for oneness -- establish a relationship with God, experience an ongoing relationship with God together (read bible, pray together and individually, church home, time w other Christians/small group)
We Fight Too – with a project -- Conflict (and opportunity to know each other better) and to avoid conflict is to avoid reality
--resolving conflict requires loving confrontation (slow down and check your role, motives and heart, and choose your owords carefully)
--resolving conflict requires choosing forgiveness (admit you are wrong, humbly seek forgiveness, release your spouse free from seeking revenge, build trust by consistent behavior over time)
--we minimize conflict when we choose to actively bless one another in marriage - refrain your tongue from speaking evil, turn away fro evil, do good, bee a peacemaker (anger shows that I care more about how we look than God) - I love you and your are not my enemy!
Marriage After Dark (with a project) - sex was created by God and designed for our good (the freedom to enjoy each other's body), sex is a thermomter that can measure your individual well-being, sex can be enhanced by understanding the differences between man and woman, and a great sex life is built on - Companionship (communication, tenderness, spending time together), Commitment (faithfulness, respect, forgiveness), Passion (planning and creativity), and Spiritual Intimacy (prayer and the Bible)
Woman to Woman - Priorities (#1 grow in her relationship w God, #2 respect and support her husband, #3 teach/train her children w wisdom from the Bible, #4 everything else ordered after the 1st 3!), God's design (equals w different roles/responsibilities/purposes - husband as leader and each other complete through marriage and mutual submission/selflessness), Respect and support her husband (unconditional respect which empowers her husband, thankfulness, praise, listening, sexuality, encouraging words/attitude/actions, never criticize husband in public or in front of children), Depend on God
Man to Man - Follow and obey Christ and his leader, Role as leader in marriage - sacrificially loving his wife (cherishes, trustworthy, listening, helping, praying, putting her needs ahead of his own, nourishes her gifts/dreams/love/romance), courageously leading his wife (finances, 1st taking care if wife and children, protecting his family emotionally/spiritually/physically), Responsibility as father (each child a unique gift from God, loves and cares willingly/eagerly/consistently/not domineering, spends time listening/hugging/things they enjoy/praying, leads by example and with God/loves their mother/teaches biblical wisdom)
How Marriages Thrive for Oneness in Marriage and a revolutionary relationship
-the habit of extravagant love is a choice and leads to genuine intimacy (Exclusive- one person having your heart for a lifetime, Expressed by repeating often through words and actions, Extraordinary-placing spouse's needs above your own)
-the habit of generous forgiveness leads to true security (with humility and without bitterness)
-the habit of enthusiastic encouragement leads to unity and team together for life (believe in and motivate your spouse, openly affirm/praise, maintain positive attitude, avoid critical words)
Leaving a Legacy - for our the next generations
-by doing the constant work of strengthening our marriage and family and relationship with God, and always looking to serve God and others
Lisa's things to remember from the conference
-work hard to love God and Bruce - to mirror God and complete each other
-work hard to avoid "extramarital affairs" such as work or business or selfishness
-celebrate each other's differences and help each other in our weaknesses
-take the time to raise Godly children - teach, train, talk
Lisa's top 3 priorities from the conference experience
-be my husband Bruce's cheerleader
-listen, repeat back, ask more questions
-work together to avoid "extramarital affairs" for each other and our family
“Shepherding A Child’s Heart”, by Tedd Trip
This is a terrific book and very insightful help to parenting that I have never really heard before. Most books on parenting give you advice on how to shape and constrain your child’s behavior. However this book gives you something very different – it teaches you how to engage your children about what really matters – how to address your child’s heart by your words and actions. It teaches you how communication and discipline work together when parents love wisely. To the extent that our focus is only on behavior, we miss the true heart and real life change
Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”
I will summarize this book and ideas in more detail later this week.
With Hugs,
Dr. Lisa
“Shepherding A Child’s Heart”, by Tedd Trip
This is a terrific book and very insightful help to parenting that I have never really heard before. Most books on parenting give you advice on how to shape and constrain your child’s behavior. However this book gives you something very different – it teaches you how to engage your children about what really matters – how to address your child’s heart by your words and actions. It teaches you how communication and discipline work together when parents love wisely. To the extent that our focus is only on behavior, we miss the true heart and real life change
Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”
I will summarize this book and ideas in more detail later this week.
With Hugs,
Dr. Lisa