Monday, August 31, 2009

I hope back to school and late Summer are going very well for you! Christina, age 20, is in her junior year at IUPUI, Nathan, age 19, a freshman at Purdue, Brendan, age 14, a freshman at Zionsville High School and playing on the freshman football team, and Annika,age 8, in 3rd grade and playing travel soccer. We had a setback with Brendan fracturing a bone (3rd metacarpal) in his right hand at football practice last Thursday. With all our and our bible study’s prayers and God’s grace, we are very blessed that he does not need a cast, and may well be back to full practice and games in one month!

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your hear.” Psalm 37:4
I went to Beth Moore’s terrific Living Proof Live simulcast at my church this weekend. Her seminar was based upon this verse in Psalm 37, and I will review it later in this blog and give you her recipe she shared with us at the conference - Beth’s Texas Sheet Cake (a chocolate desire of our heart!). I will also update Flu info, Eric has great exercise tips for the chest, and my husband, Bruce, is a guest blogger for a marriage tip learned from our experience last Friday!

The government and CDC continue their work to develop our plan to fight influenza and H1N1 influenza. They recommend giving the regular flu vaccine as soon as available (usually late September/early October). Then once the H1N1 vaccine is available, it will consist of 2 vaccinations, one month apart.

The CDC recommends persons born after 1957 get the vaccine. The most important to immunize are pregnant women, household contacts and caregivers of children younger than 6 months of age, healthcare and emergency personnel who have direct contact with patients, children age six month to 4 years, children and adolescents aged 5 – 18 years who have medical conditions that put tem at high risk.

Symptoms of infection with H1N1 flu virus are similar to those of seasonal flu, including fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue, but with some H1N1 infections it also includes vomiting and diarrhea. The virus can be spread by coughing, sneezing or touching surfaces contaminated with the virus and touching your nose or mouth. You are considered contagious beginning 1 day before the symptoms appear, and at least 24 hours after your fever has resolved.

Most people with flu recover within 1 – 2 weeks without treatment. However, serious life-threatening complications can occur, such as pneumonia. If any of the following symptoms develop, call us immediately – shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, purple or blue discoloration of the lips, pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, signs of dehydration (dizziness when standing, not passing urine, or in infants lack of tears or few wet diapers), confusion or less responsiveness than usual, seizures or convulsions, severe vomiting or unable to keep fluids down.
Please see more recommendations on influenza prevention in my April 30th blog.

The Chest
Eric Walden

The pectoral muscles are a very versatile muscle group. It can be worked through a pushing motion or a pulling motion. Now for most men they want a nice firm chest and most women well…I’ll be honest when it comes to their chest they just don’t want to be saggy. For women as far as saggy boobs there isn’t a lot we can do. Breast tissue is fat tissue so like I have said numerous times to lose fat you have to eat right and do cardio. With that said you can tighten up the muscles that are underneath the breast.
Let’s get started. I want to start with an oldie, but a goodie with a twist though.
Push-ups on an incline:
Everyone knows how to do a push-up. Start lying face down and put your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, keeping your abs tight push your self up. For the incline part use a chair to do the push-ups on while keeping your feet on the floor. MAKE SURE THE CHAIR IS SECURE! (All advice is given after a failure of some type) I advise putting it up against a wall. Gradually build yourself up from being able to do 3 sets of 12 repetitions on the floor to the incline. Those of you who are more experienced or stronger can go to the incline right away. To make this exercise harder you can use a Bosu ball or even place you feet up as well. When I was in college I would take three chairs and use them for my push-ups. One for each hand and one for my feet. By doing this it allowed me a greater range of motion. Anytime you can do an exercise through the full range of motion the muscle gets more work and will become stronger. Work yourself up to doing 3x12. When it comes to push-ups you can work yourself up to closer to 20 repetitions.

Chest Press:
This exercise is going to be done with an exercise band. With this exercise the band can be placed around something or attached to a door frame with the attachment. Standing with your back to the attachment take both hands in the straps. Using a split stance for balance press both hands forward. Make sure you are standing up nice and tall, keeping the abs contracted. When coming back to the start position keeps your hands over your elbows. Let your elbows stay wide. There are different color bands for a different resistance level. The way to tell is by squeezing them. If they are stiff and hard to squeeze that means that it has more resistance. Start with a light resistance at first because bands can be a little tricky. Because they bands has constant resistance you have to concentrate more because your arm will snap back if you aren’t paying attention. Start with 3 sets of 12 repetitions.

Chest Fly:
This exercise can be done with a band as well. This one can also be done standing or lying on your back on a bench. Start again with a split stance to keep your body stabilized. Start with both hands straight out in front of you. Slowly open your arms. Be careful to not keep your elbows locked out. Keeping them slightly bent puts more emphasis on the pec muscles and it doesn’t stress the elbow joint. Also don’t let your hands go beyond your shoulders. Meaning stop before your arms are straight out from your body. I like to stop just before my hands are equal to my chest. Again 3 sets of 12 repetitions.
These 3 exercises are a solid group of exercises that will help sculpt the chest muscles. They will help build strength as well. The 3 exercises can be done in a variety of ways. If you want to learn how to do the variations give me a call or email. I can be reached at 765-404-7343 or at

Faith and Family

Beth Moore Living Proof Live 2009
“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart… The Lord makes firm the steps of those who delight in Him. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the Lord upholds them with His hand.” Psalm 37:4,11

This is a great scripture to memorize, and Beth started out her conference stressing, “Everybody must memorize scripture!” - to train your heart, hold your mind captive to the goodness of God, and be armed with the sword of the Spirit. She encourages us to write passages to memorize on 3x5 cards and keep with us. I often take them with me when I jog to work on memorization, and it is a great exercise for your brain and Alzheimer’s prevention!

Beth’s points on this part of Psalm 37…
Nothing dictates our lives like our desires (and we basically will do what we want) – be in God’s word and study to transform our desires.
Beneath the desires of our heart is the heart of our desires – what is underneath and we need to look for it, and a true hearts desire necessitates a wait.
Delighting in God adapts our desires and results are inevitable – Beth encourages us to be sensitive to all the wonder and awe of God in each day, and put all our desires and longings at His feet and let God take over our mind and feelings.
Nothing can steal our right to delight – and if something is taking a bite out of my personal delight, look at your JAW - check for Jealously (desire tinged with resentment), Anger (opposite of delight), and Worry (gnaws and disfigures our desires).
To make room for delight we need to commit – stop doubting and believe with our behavior.
Nothing is passive about patiently waiting for desire to turn into delight – don’t give up and let Satan take your hope away – remember we never learn anything while talking so hush and listen to God and others.
Till faith becomes sight, trust God and do good – reach out and help!

Beth’s Texas Sheet Cake – grease 9x13 pan, heat oven to 400
Sift: 2 c flour, 2c sugar
Bring to boil: 2 sticks butter, 1 c water, 4 tbsp cocoa
Pour over dry mixture and mix in: 2 eggs, ½ c buttermilk, 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp vanilla
Bake for 20-25 minutes

1 stick butter, 4 tbsp cocoa, 6 tbsp milk
Add anywhere from ½-1 box powdered sugar to achieve desired consistency (Beth usually uses about 1 box) and 1 c pecans. Spread on cake while hot.

Marriage Tip: by Bruce Miller

As men many (if not most) of us are just naturally wired to want to fix things. This is a helpful attribute if what is malfunctioning is the lawnmower or garbage disposal; however, this can really short circuit our relationships if we can’t resist this tendency when communicating with our wife or significant other.

I am no trained counselor and anyone that knows me would not accuse me of subscribing to the new age, “Men Are From Mars – Women Are From Venus” stuff. However, we experienced something this past Friday night I felt might be revealing and could possibly help some other couples that have occasionally found themselves in the same situation and sadly may have experienced a different outcome.

This past Friday evening Lisa returned from the first part of the Beth Moore Bible study conference and we began to talk about what she had learned. I should note this is often some weighty (but extremely valuable life changing information) so maybe not the best idea to start that conversation at 11:00 at night when we both started the day at 5:30- but that’s reality. Sometime during the conversation she mentioned being a little concerned about being able to finish all the tasks on her agenda over the weekend and she seemed troubled. The key word is - seemed because that is how it seemed to me!

I immediately began to dispense advice about how she might fix her problem confident that if she followed my sage advice all her time issues would be solved. Instead of the rousing thank you I was expecting for my wisdom I got a stoic response and no conversation at all. This is so out of character for Lisa that I was stunned and honestly a little angry.

Fortunately through what I can only attribute to divine intervention I collected myself before saying something really stupid and gently but persistently inquired: “What just happened?”

I have focused this primarily towards my fellow gentlemen and convicted myself accordingly, but women there is a significant contribution required from you right at this exact moment that can be the key ingredient to making this situation an epiphany for us men and changing your marriage. You need to rationally talk and explain to us and please don’t assume that “if we truly love you we would know what is bothering you…” because trust me most of the time us men don’t have a clue!

Then another miracle occurred when I actually shut up and listened to what Lisa shared with me. She simply told me I was trying to tell her how to fix all her problems but that she hadn’t asked for and didn’t need any advice to “fix” a problem because in her mind there wasn’t one! She was just sharing what was on her heart and trusting in God to arrange her time. She didn’t need a solution she just needed a few minutes of my time.

This is not revolutionary philosophy but it was an incredible opportunity to move our marriage to an even greater place of glory and it can be summed up in one word – COMMUNICATION.

Parenting Tip:
Play with sidewalk chalk with your grade school or younger children – draw a big circle to represent God’s circle of blessing and safety, and discuss/write/draw things that keep them in that circle, and what things take them away/outside that circle.

Remember to work to train your children from the heart (see my review of the book “Shepherding A Child’s Heart” under Resources tab) – to obey you without challenge, without excuse, without delay. This can be done, and I with God’s and the book’s help, am starting to achieve this with my own children. It takes time and effort, but the results are great for us parents, but even more importantly for our children’s lives!

God bless you and your family and your family line!
Dr. Lisa

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Eric's help for the "butt" problem, Iodine, Finishing Well, 5 Point Checklist

Greetings to All! I hope and pray you all are having a great August and getting children and family back or off to school! Annika had a great week at Christian camp Allendale (she cannot wait till next year's camp), and we moved our son Nathan into Purdue for freshman orientation week last weekend. We are working on our adjustment (all really miss him, especially his younger brother Brendan).

See Eric's great exercises for our "butt" area, new information on iodine, finishing well, and a checklist of 5 things for kids and us when we are making decisions.

To update everyone on the Flu vaccine - we should have our regular Flu vaccine in late September, and this year recommend getting it soon. We do not yet know when or where the H1N1 vaccine will be available. We will let you know here and on our website as soon as we know.

Iodine – Nutritional help for some with Obesity, Fatigue/Foggy thinking, PCOS, and Other Problems
I am doing more reading on nutrition and iodine, and discussing with hormone and nutritional specialists. I have found that similar to Vitamin D deficit, many people suffer an iodine deficit, especially in the Great Lakes region where soils have some of the lowest concentrations if iodine in the world.

All cells in the body need iodine for proper functioning, especially our glands which make our hormones. Iodine supplementation under a doctor’s supervision has significantly helped certain people with weight loss (especially those who really are exercising and eating a healthy low calorie diet but not losing weight, and often those with lower basal temperatures), fatigue and foggy thinking, fibrocystic breasts, polycystic ovaries (PCOS), certainly goiters, arthritis, and others. Often people or children who are in pools a lot can have iodine deficiency.

The only significant sources of iodine are in seafood and seaweed/kelp, and iodized salt has very little iodine. The average Japanese diet contains 12mg/day of iodine. Our iodine supplement contains 10mg/capsule of potassium iodide. Starting out a person may need more than one a day under our direction, but then most people eventually go to one a day. The cost nicely is just $16 for #120 capsules. Often after 4 to 6 months people are replenished and do not need the supplement all the time. I ask my patients to monitor and record 1 to 2 times a week their basal AM temperatures, and see me in follow up to discuss how they are doing in 2 months. We may well add a combination potassium iodide and iodine combination supplement because studies have shown certain people need both (is a little more expensive).

The best method to accurately assess iodine levels is with a 24 hour urine collection. This costs about $100 and usually not covered by insurance. I do an iodine spot test in our office for free, and it is a good screen. I apply a spot of liquid iodine best on a person’s abdomen and let it dry. Your skin has a supply of iodine, and if you are deficient then your skin will also be more deficient. The spot on people with enough iodine generally will last at least 12 and usually near 24 hours. If it lasts less than 12 hours, I feel adding iodine under my direction certainly has a good chance to help the person’s health.

One 30 year old patient of mine recently was unable to lose weight with very good exercise and diet. Her basal temps were always about 97 and she has PCOS. With iodine supplementation, her basal temps are 98.6 and she has lost 10 pounds in 2 months with the same exercise and diet. She also has much more energy!

Please let me know, if I do not bring it up first at your visit, if you want an iodine spot test and discuss the potential benefits and dose for you.
Dr. Lisa

Checking Your Vitamins and Supplements as well as Medicines at Your Physicals!
Please bring in a list of all your vitamins, supplements, and medicines you are taking at your physicals. You may well want to keep it on your computer so you can easily update and print off for us to best keep your electronic chart up to date. Please also include supplements and medicines you take occasionally or seasonally.

We always want to review your general health, weight, diet, supplements, medicines, exercise, and ongoing problems and new issues. We are very interested in any social or emotional changes and any problems with hormones or sexual health. We discuss age appropriate preventative medicine and tests. Dr. Miller often will check your zinc/vitamin status by a zinc taste test, and iodine status by an iodine spot screening test.

Family and Faith

“Finishing Strong” is a great sermon from August 9th that you can hear from Bob Russell on Trader’s Point website, Bob talks about staring well early (when you first enter the workforce to immediately give to God your first 10% to continue to be under God’s blessing, save 10%, and live on the rest), staying diligent, thanking God for each day, thinking eternally, working to be balanced, and finishing strong (don't mess up at the end like recently Rick Pitino and others). “Be joyful always, and give thanks in all (not just FOR) all circumstances” 1Thess 5:16. He says maturity can be defined as the ability to postpone pleasure, and encourages us to act in the wise way and how we wish we felt to train our hearts (not act or do only what we feel, because our feelings and desires and worldly messages often can lead us into sin). Bob encourages us to fear God, do our duty, be renewed day by day by our faithfulness, serve in our lives and retirement, and the best is yet to be!

Marriage Tip
Remember to pray together. It is a great intimacy and bonding time, and as it says in scripture more than doubles you prayer impact with God! Remember God cares about every little thing. Don’t make Him small, but remember He is so big and great and relational that He even cares that you have a good hair day!

Parenting Tip
Sending my son Nathan off to college I wrote in his new small bible I gave to him this 5 checklist of things to remember when presented with a problem or decision. It really works for all our ages, and you can demonstrate by counting off on your fingers! Remind our children and ourselves, that we have to work on and be vigilant about our character all our lives!

Is it wise?
Is it safe?
Is it healthy?
Would my parents approve?
Would God approve?...

With all my hugs and prayers,
Dr. Lisa

Problem Areas for Females: The Butt

By: Eric Walden

We’ll start with the butt. This is the area that most woman loath on their bodies. It’s too big or to flat or jiggles too much are just some of the complaints I’ve heard as a personal trainer. Well I’m here to tell you that YES you can do something about it. Now change does not happen over night so don’t expect immediate results. Now there are a couple of approaches depending on what your particular “problem” is. Let’s get started.

All of the exercises I’m going to talk about help with the different types of “problems”. The approach is going to be little different for each one. For the too “big” what the approach needs to be is a more high repetition based program. Shoot for 12-15 repetition of 3 sets. Keep the rest periods short between exercises. Take these exercises and try to set up a space to be able to do them with out interruption. I typically have my clients do a round then rest for 60 seconds getting water and rehydrating and repeating the exercises. The exercises are the going to be the same as the other areas. So I’ll go over the actually exercises towards the end.

The jiggle and flat butts can also be helped with a few strength exercises. The approach here is to do fewer repetitions. Shoot for 6-8 repetitions on each exercise. This approach can have more rest in between each exercise. Not a lot though. Stay under 90 seconds between each set or exercise. Now to the exercises.

First and one of my least fun exercises, but most effective exercise is the squat. Start by standing with feet slightly wider than shoulder width bending at the knees squat down pushing your hips back. If you have trouble with this particular exercise in the beginning that is okay. A way that I teach it is to grab an edge of a door way with one hand keeping your arm straight squat down keeping your arm straight the whole way down and back up. Now I must caution those of you with knee problems. Go easy in the beginning. Ideally the quadriceps are parallel to the ground at the bottom of the position. If you have knee problems don’t go down as far or another way is to use a chair. Slowly sit down to the chair then stand back up with out using your hands. Squats focus on the glutes, hamstrings, and quads. If you have never done squats make sure you start out with your body weight and slowly progress to adding weight in your hands.

The next exercise is the lunge. Start with a split stance one leg in front of the other. Exaggerate this step. Bend both knees. At the end point both knees should be at 90 degrees. Stand back up, you don’t have to move your feet for this exercise. Just keep dropping your hips straight down and bending your knees. This is effective for tightening up the glutes and the quads. Again be cautious if you have knee problems. A way to make this exercise easier is to hold onto the back of a chair or something stable that can hold your weight.

The third exercise is straight leg dead-lift. I know this exercise sounds bad. But it is a good one. I like this one a lot. It makes me most sore when I do it though. I like my feet apart on this exercise, but some trainers like to have the feet together. This comes down to preference. Next you are going to bend at the waist trying to touch your toes. There are two main focuses here. First keep your back straight at all times. Don’t let your spine pop up. To keep this from happening think of two things. Keeping a proud chest (popped out) and pulling the shoulders back. The second is when you stand up think of pulling at the hamstrings and not the low back. Most people will feel this in their low back to start, because they are not focusing on their hamstrings.

The last exercise is a kick back. Start by being on all fours. Keeping your knee bent push your foot to the ceiling. This will focus on the glute. Hold at the top for a 2 count. Make sure you aren’t using momentum to get your foot up. Bring your leg slowly back down, but do not touch your knee to the floor. This will keep the focus on the glute muscle. To make this lift more advanced you can use a band or place a small dumbbell in the bend of your knee.
Look at the pictures that correspond with the exercise to get a better idea of how to do the lifts. We started out by doing a full leg exercise with squats then we isolated the muscles a little more with each exercise. There are obviously more leg exercises that can be done but it is my experience that these are 4 of the best for dealing with the glutes.

If you have questions please feel free to email me or call me. My email is and my number is 765-404-7343.