Monday, December 28, 2009

Quick Workout

Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope you all had a great Christmas and got to spend lots of time with family and friends. I had a great time with my family. It is the first time my wife and I hosted a Christmas party. It was a lot of work but fun at the same time. I definitely over indulged in food. I came up with this short work out to help burn off those extra calories that we put on. The video is about 7 minutes long but it takes you through step by step of each exercise and how to do it. I hope you enjoy.
Eric Walden

PS. I want to let you all know that I am running a special for the New Year. If you purchase 12 sessions you will receive 3 free sessions. Check out my website for pricing details.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

"Mistaken Identity", Eric's Tips, OCD, Respectful Kids-starts with us!

Merry Christmas!!! This time of year I want to make sure to take the time to ponder and revel in the eternal gift God gave to us in Jesus. I do not want to let myself get caught in the trap and character assassin of business and frenzy. I constantly seek with the Holy Spirit's help to make certain I do the important and not the urgent.

"Mistaken Identity", by the VanRyn's and Cerak's

Annika and I and many of my woman's bible study group were honored last Saturday to hear Colleen and Newell Cerak speak in my friend Shelly's home for over 90 minutes. They are the co-authors of the book "Mistaken Identity", about the tragic Taylor University accident over 3 years ago, where 5 people were killed in an auto accident on I69, and their daughter Whitney was one of the 5 declared dead. Then 5 weeks later they discovered actually Whitney was alive, and had been mistaken for Laura VanRyn... The following is my notes and lessons from their testimony, which was so moving that even my 9 year old Annika was totally attentive the entire time (and she has been sharing what she learned with many, and is learning more as she reads their book). Matt Lauer of the Today Show has emotionally said that the Cerak's and the VanRyn's are the most impressive people he has ever interviewed. The Cerak's live in Gaylord, MI and were here to speak at a church, and stayed with Shelly, who has been their long time friend (and they are happy to share their testimony and faith with any group or church, and just ask travel expenses).

After being told their daughter had died in the crash (and Newell has out of town at the time helping with Hurricane Katrina aftermath)...
Christians do not grieve as the world grieves, and they made Whitney's funeral a God-centered celebration. They were given the energy and strength for the funeral with their older daughter Carly's insistence they had to spend 2 hours alone together in prayer beforehand. They had Whitney's bible, and discovered she had been underlining meaningful passages to her months before the crash. Some that really spoke to them were Ps 105:4, 63:3, 62:5-8, 84:1-2, and they spent their 2 hours of prayer spent around Whitney's bible and some worship music. Then on Mother's Day which closely followed her funeral, Carly gave Colleen a card signed, "Your favorite daughter here on earth".
Newell was out of town on a youth Christian conference, and Colleen received a phone call at 5am to bring Whitney's dental records to a Grand Rapids rehab hospital. The Cerak's overwhelming joy at having their daughter alive became the VanRyn's pain, however the VanRyn's were so gracious and happy for them. Even though the world would think that theirs was not a happy ending, the VanRyn's knew that they and their daughter Laura who had died had the most happy ending - Heaven! Through all this and the following rehab for Whitney, God perfectly placed and timed so very many people to help and support the Cerak's.

Whitney's remarkable rehab and recovery...
A neuropsychologist said trauma to the brain is like a hurricane ripping through a forest of trees (the brain's connections being like the trees) - some are broken and some totally uprooted. When they first met Whitney again 5 weeks after the crash, her neuropsych testing did not even register her being in late preschool development. With rehab all summer with her sister and family, Whitney tested at the 8th grade level in August. She then wanted to return to Taylor for her sophmore year, and they modified classes for her. Whitney had a very difficult time that semester with being different and not funny any longer, and really missed her old self. Carly told her, "I miss the old Whitney too, but I love the new Whitney". On Thanksgiving, Whitney's neuropsych testing showed she was at a junior level in college!

Colleen's Lesson's
1. God is in control and His strength will carry you through, and He knows the big picture from the very beginning. She says she is a type A personality and likes to control/do, but she learned dramatically with the 2 hours of prayer before funeral preparations the power of time with God and letting Him control. Nothing is better than time alone with God and preparing ourselves with God's word. He is the foundation and strength underneath and within us. Remember to note and underline in your Bible.
2. Miracles do happen all the time, and stop whining and complaining and forgetting. Satan wants to disrupt, but God can use all for HIs glory. Colleen encourages us to break routines and desire God in the way He deserves to be desired.

Newell's Lessons
1. All Christians have their safety in Jesus and eternal Heaven, and through this Newell had his perspective totally change in regards to his family's safety. He no longer worries about their safety, but prays for safety of loved ones and others who do not know or accept Jesus.
2. God loves us just the way we are, and releases us to be who He wants. Our identity and value is in God and Jesus Christ, and He never changes. Our identity is not in our work or life here or our humor - that would be mistaken identity.
3. Crises will come and go, but God is still God no matter what the crises. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and we can always depend upon God. We will never be the same - our lives are in constant transition. We are not called to be normal, but to be bold and not afraid to share our faith and our source of strength. (The VanRyn's and Cerak's twice refused to appear on Oprah because she did not let her guests talk about the one true God. Only until Oprah agreed to let them share this and all their story and faith did they appear on Oprah to talk about their story and book.)

I asked about how they kept their marriage strong through the crises. They said that they focused and were attentive to their bond of at first of grieving together and then working together with God at their focus and center. They rely on God's strength and pray together daily. I then shared trainer Eric's visual of a triangle with God at the top and each partner/spouse at the bottoms of the triangle - the closer you each get to God, the closer you are together...

Where is Whitney now? (And she does not want her story as a movie.) She is a missionary in Africa with her sister Carly, and totally has her humor and personality back. Her longtime boyfriend since high school just asked her to marry him, and they will be getting married in the spring or early summer (and then he will be deployed in the summer).

Eric's Fitness Tips
Eric Walden

The holidays can be a joyous time of year shared with family and friends, but they can also bring stress and anxiety as we struggle to keep up with often-unrealistic demands and expectations. That's why it is so important for all of us to relax and take good care of ourselves.

ACE's ( top tips for surviving the holidays are great for increasing your energy and reducing your stress, this season and all year long.

Take time for yourself. Although spending time with friends and family is essential, it's also important to have at least five minutes to yourself to relax. Try practicing deep breathing exercise when you feel stressed out.

Don't set unrealistic exercise goals. Aim to exercise 20 minutes a day instead of an hour. You'll be sure to get at least 20 minutes of exercise per day without feeling disappointed if you do not complete an hour.

Enlist a friend or family member to exercise with you. Walking and talking with a friend can be a great way to burn extra calories and reduce your stress level.

Create new, more active traditions. Instead of throwing a dessert or cocktail party, try snowshoeing or ice-skating as an alternate holiday event. Play powder puff football or build a snowman.

Don't try to lose weight or stick to a restrictive diet this holiday season. If you enjoy your favorite foods in small portions, you'll feel more satisfied. Trying to stay away from certain foods may leave you feeling deprived, which may cause you to eat more than you intended to.

Drink plenty of water. Although the cold weather may make you less inclined to grab a glass of water, it is just as important in the winter as it is during the summer. Water helps counter the dehydrating effects of travel or drinking alcoholic beverages, and it may also help satiate your appetite since thirst is often mistaken for hunger.

Spread out meals. Don't feel like you have to eat everything at once. Try eating dinner early and then taking a walk before sitting down for dessert.

Don't overdo it with alcohol or caffeine. These stimulants will only cause you more grief in the end by adding to your feelings of stress. Try drinking hot herbal tea instead of coffee, and keep the number of alcoholic drinks to a minimum.

Don't aim for perfection, and enjoy the imperfections. There is no such thing as the perfect party or the perfect decorations or the perfect way to spend the holidays. Don't set yourself up for disappointment by placing unrealistic demands on yourself.

Laugh. Laughing is a great tension reliever. It burns calories, reduces stress and usually means that you're enjoying yourself.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Family and Faith - from Eric
This week I am writing of one of Eric's tips for spiritual/mental and relationship fitness. He shared this with my daughter Christina who was talking with him about how she and her boyfriend were lately were not as in sync. Eric asked about how their relationship and time spent with God was lately. He then taught (and drew out) the lesson about the triangle with God at the top, and she and her boyfriend at each bottom. Eric drew arrows on each side of the triangle going from the bottom to the top and the top to the bottom. Then he explains that as you can see with that triangle, the closer each of you get to God, the closer you are together (and the farther you get away from God, the farther you are apart)... Thanks Eric!!!

(PS When he trains clients, he does not bring up spiritual and faith issues unless his clients bring it up and ask him, but he has such a wealth and depth of it!)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD
OCD has a lifetime incidence of about 2%, with symptom usually beginning in adolescence, and can cause marked distress and disability (and can be associated with depression, panic disorders, and substance abuse). OCD interferes with family and social relationships and work performance and is likely to persist without effective treatment. People are often embarrassed and reluctant to report OCD symptoms. If the diagnosis of OCD is suspected, these two screening questions can help decide - Do you have thoughts that are hard for you to get out of your mind? Do you feel the need to perform certain tasks that you really don't want to do or don't make sense over and over?
Obessions are recurrent intrusive thoughts or images which cause significant distress. Compulsions are repetitive activities to try to counteract the anxiety caused by the obsessions. Common obsessions are need for order (intense distress when things are disordered or asymmetric), repeated doubts (eg. wondering if an alarm was set), contamination (dirty from shaking hands, etc.), sexual imagery (recurrent porn images of thoughts), religious (excessive concern about unknowingly sinning or bad thoughts), and aggressive impulses (images of hurting a relative or person). Common compulsions are checking (repeated checking doors, alarms, appliances), cleaning (handwashing, housecleaning), ordering (reordering things to achieve symmetry), mental acts (counting, repeating words, praying), repetitive actions (like walking in/out of doorway multiple times), hoarding (saving rash/unnecessary things), and reassurance seeking (asking others continually for reassurance).
Treatment for OCD is through education, support, behavioral therapies, and medicine, though if usually takes weeks and months for the best effects/results of these treatments. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been proven effective for OCD, and is done under the direction of a trained counselor. They teach people with OCD to confront their obsessions and to avoid performing the compulsive behaviors. The best medicine for treating OCD is an SSRI like Prozac, Paxil, or Zoloft. For effectiveness in OCD, they are often needed in their maximal dosages and may take longer than usual to notice their effectiveness (even 10 - 12 weeks). Medical therapy then should be continued at least 2 years, and often for a lifetime. If an SSRI is not effective, another medicine can be added or switched to like clomipramine (Anafranil), or Effexor, or an anti-psychotic mood stabilizing medicine (like Risperdal, Seroquel, Haldol, or Abilify). Natural medicine therapies include the CBT and moderate intensity aerobic exercise (but St. John's wort has not been shown to help OCD).

Family and Faith

Parenting Tip - from the book "Respectful Kids - The Complete Guide to Bringing Out the Best in Your Child", by Dr. Todd Cartmell

I am just starting to read this book, and Dr. Cartmell suggests as we work to teach our children respect, that us parents need to first look in the mirror - are we a picture of compassion and understanding or of unreasonable expectations?, a picture of unshakeable honesty or of shading the truth when it's more convenient?, a picture of taking personal responsibility or of making excuses?, a picture that encourages others or that tears them down?, a picture of self control or of abusive anger?, and a picture that can be flexible or that becomes unyielding?.
Dr, Cartmell gives the illustration of how you vitally need the picture on the cover of a jigsaw puzzle to put the puzzle together. We as parents are the picture God has placed in our children's lives. We are the picture on the top that they cannot do without, and are constantly studying to figure out the jigsaw of their lives. So as always with parenting, we must start with studying and working upon ourselves.
How can we be the pictures God intends us to be? Dr. Cartmell teaches four steps we need to work with God upon - first to identify those aspects of our behavior that need to change, surrender that area to God, take it out of the closet, and get specific about how to move toward change. "Through these four steps, God can begin to shape our lives into the picture our children need to look at every day, and then our children will find it easier to become everything God has made them to be."

He identifies aspects that may need to change are -
-How we talk to our spouse
-The amount of time we spend with our kids
-How we express frustration
-The tone and volume of our voice when we correct our children
-The way we work through family problems
-The reasonableness of our expectations in relation to the age and understanding of our children
-How we joke with our kids
-The consistency of our devotional times.

Some specific steps to take to address issues we want to focus on are -
-Make a list of hurtful words you will no longer use
-Commit yourself to apologizing and asking forgiveness from your child every time you lose your temper with her
-Limit Internet and TV time to free up more time to be with your family
-Say one positive thing to each child every day
-Compliment your spouse in front of your kids
-Physically touch each child in a caring, appropriate way every day
-Spend a couple minutes at each bedtime asking your child about her day
-Take each child out to breakfast once a month, Lead a short family devotion each morning
-Prepare a family-time discussion once a week
-Read 5 chapters from the Bible each week
-Have a date night with your spouse at least once a month (see me last blog about time with your spouse)
-Pray with your spouse each night before going to bed
-and even Make an appointment with a marriage or family counselor.

I am so grateful for all of you and my many blessings, but primarily and especially eternally grateful to God and our savior Jesus! Remember to keep training our and our children's hearts in gratefulness and values, and very importantly to always want what we have (not have what we want)!
With my Hugs and Prayers for you and your families,
Dr. Lisa

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our New Puppy Ally, Mammograms, Eric's Tips, Please Open the Door!

Happy Holidays!!!
This is the new baby in our family, Ally! She is a Cavalier King Charles Spanial, the largest member of the Toy Family - now 5 lbs at 9 weeks old, and will grow to about 14 lbs. We have been considering adding another dog to join our 12 year old lab mix, Delilah. We decided to adopt this beautiful baby as our Christmas puppy once I saw her picture. Bruce and kids drove to Michigan last Wednesday to get her from a great Cavalier breeder, Crystal Cavaliers ( Bruce is holding her mom, Brendan is holding Ally, and Annika and Christina are holding Ally's sisters. Ally has been an absolutely wonderful puppy, and has so filled our hearts with even more love! Thank you God!

The U.S Preventative Services Task Force recommended this November 16th, that women with average risk do not get yearly mammograms until age 50. This is based on their data that indicates in order to save the life of one woman in her 40s from breast cancer, 1,904 women would have to be screened every year for up to 20 years. There was a new recommendation last year that woman in their 40s could get a mammogram every two years.
I recommend women over age 40 get a mammogram about once a year, but if you have average risk it would be fine to get it every 2 years. Then at age 50 all woman should get a mammogram once every year. The following are good question and answers...
1. Who is affected by the new guidelines?
Women over 40 at average risk of breast cancer. See my recommendations for my patients above.
2. If you are in your 40s, can you still get mammograms?
Yes, the guidelines do not advise against mammomgrams for any woman.
3. Will insurance still cover mammograms for women in their 40s?
Insurers have indicated no plans to change mammogram coverage for women in their 40s.
4. What are my risks if I do not get a mammogram?
The risks and benfits vary with each woman, but curent data show that yearly screenings on average decrease the risk of dying from breast cancer by 15%.
5. Who is at high risk for developing breast cancer?
Factors which increase your risk include a family history of breast cancer, genetic mutations, smoking, alcohol, hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills, lack of exercise, metabolic syndrome.

Cardiovascular Training
Eric Walden

How many of you go to the gym and hop on a treadmill, elliptical or bike and ride for 30-45 minutes? How many of you just do the manual program on the machine? How many of you just do the bare minimum of cardio? I’m sure there are quite a few of you who are shaking your head yes, and saying that is me. Well I have some news for you. There is a lot more to doing cardio than just getting on and riding or walking. I see all the time people come into the gym and head straight for the cardio area. They get their time in and then they leave. For months I watch them “slave” away on the cardio machine with no progress. If this is you it is time to change your approach.
There are 2 philosophies out there about doing cardio first then lifting weights or visa versa. I’m going to focus on the second. I have had great success doing my weight lifting first then doing cardio. I have had personal success in losing weight and my clients have had great success with this approach as well.
The reasoning behind this point of view is simple. If I am wanting lose weight I need to burn up all the energy that I have readily available while lifting weights. Then I can go to the cardio floor and do a constant movement for 30-45 minutes. I do this because I have fatigued my muscles as much as I could through weight training and now I’m going to get into the fat stores and burn that up while doing cardio. I have also found that I can keep my heart rate up easier after I have lifted because I am fatigued. It does make the cardio more challenging. I have also gotten a good sweat while lifting so when I am doing the cardio my body sweats easier and keeps me cooled better internally.
The second part that needs to be changed is your intensity. Ask yourself am I working hard enough or could I push myself just a little more? One of the biggest mistakes I see is people not working hard enough. A person will just go at a constant speed for their entire time they are doing cardio. This isn’t being efficient with your time.
I highly recommend doing Sprint Intervals. Sprint intervals are similar to intervals, but the difference is you are sprinting during the peak or higher intense sections. On a treadmill this would be for example jogging at 4.5 mi/p/h for 90 seconds then upping the speed and incline and sprinting for 30 seconds. This will help increase your heart rate, but it will also help you burn more calories in a shorter period of time. Do this for 20 minutes to start and then slowly work your way up to 45 minutes. Trust me you will feel so much better when you are done doing cardio. You’ll be surprised if you watch your distance that you will cover just about the same as you did while you went at a constant speed. Plus you’ll find that you will have more energy readily at hand. I find that after doing this type of cardio training I can run up stairs better without getting out of breathe or run after my kids when they dart off and not be out of breath.
Keep up the hard work! This is the best time of year to get started. Don’t wait until the beginning of a new year. Start now to avoid gaining the weight during the holiday season. It astonishes to me how many people wait until they have gained the holiday 10 pounds to start working it off. Starting now and I mean today, it will help keep that weight off during the next 60 days and fuel you into the New Year. Give yourself an early present and start working out now!

I , my family, and my patients have tremendously benefitted from Eric's expert personal training (he will train and consult you for very reasonable prices at your home or his home). Please seriously consider investing in your health, exercise, and training by contacting Eric! You can email him at, or call him on his cell phone at 765-404-7343.
Dr. Lisa

Family and Faith

Since my last blog on tips for husbands and asking many patients, I have been surprised that most men do not open the car door at all for their wives or only on dates. I encourage and challenge you men to try opening the car door for your women (and daughters) the month of December, and see how your women and relationships and respond. Then try to continue it, and teach your sons to follow your actions. P.S. Mom's help to teach your sons, and wait for them and your husbands to open your door - you are so special to God and your family!
I already knew that almost all married couples do not make love at least twice a week, and I take women (and men) to task on making a priority of time for your husband physically and emotionally. I also implore you both to work on the important "T.I.M.E." minimum for a great marriage encouraged by the authors of "Red Hot Monogamy".
I am reprinting this part of my blog from last month, because I feel it needs repeating and rereading. Please ask God to help you work on the areas needed for yourself and your marriage. I myself have worked specifically on memorizing scripture from the Song of Solomon, and I enjoy the effects on myself and especially my"ruddy and dazzling, outstanding among ten thousand" husband Bruce!...

Husband Tip - Please open your wife's car door for her to get in almost all the time. If you do this, great job! If you do not do this, start immediately and continue forever. This is a near daily effort that will continue to show your love and service to your wife, which will have far reaching effects in your marriage and even your children's marriages. I was reminded myself of the very specialness of this effort this past week. My wonderful husband Bruce has done this for me almost all the time ever since we started dating. However, last Thursday on our way to and home from our small group meeting, he did not do it. I then realized how much I appreciate it and how special it makes me feel...

Wife Tip (and husbands please read also!!) - Please make great sex and time with your husband (or wives) your main priority. In my work at physicals to encourage marriages, I am reminded of the frequent disparity between women and men of their sexual interest. Us women much more likely are affected by work and children and home demands to lower our sexual desire. To counter these exhausting demands, we need to be intentional to think about our Lord's gift of our husbands, and plan into our schedules as a priority making love frequently (AT LEAST TWICE A WEEK!) and time alone together daily. Remember, what we spend our time upon demonstrates our priorities - to ourselves, our husband, and our children who are constantly watching and learning from us...
Two great books for you to read to greatly help you with ideas to get or maintain an amazing intimate marriage, are "Red Hot Monogamy - Making Your Marriage Sizzle" by Bill and Pam Farrell, and "Intimate Issues - Conversations Woman to Woman" by Linda Dillow and Lorraine Pintus.

From Red Hot Monogamy
"Couples need T.I.M.E. together. Here is what we see as a minimum time commitment you should have together just to maintain your relationship:

Ten to twenty minutes to talk together ALONE every day.

Invest in a weekly date night (or date lunch or breakfast) together for at least 4 hours (takes a couple hours to emotionally connect and leave some time for love making).

Make a monthly "day away" policy. At least once a month spend 8 - 12 uninterrupted hours together to reconnect. You can spend time doing things you BOTH enjoy (exercising, relaxing, errands, etc.), and be sure to have the house or your bedroom alone for some red-hot monogamy during this special time together.

Escape quarterly (or at least biannually) for a 48 hour weekend, and you can keep a special marriage treasure box to save up money for your special times together."

From "Intimate Issues"
Mind our mind! God gave us our minds with the expectation that we are to rule them - uproot weeds of past bad sexual images or attitudes, and renew and transform our minds with Scripture teaching on wonderful exhilarating marital love. "Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on the earth" (Colossians 3:2) "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2). Memorize Scripture and ask God to open your mind and feelings to these and other seeds from Scripture...

"As a loving hind and a graceful doe, let (my) breasts satisfy you at all times; be exhilarated always with (my) love. "(Proverbs 5:19)

"His mouth is full of sweetness. And he is wholly desirable. This is my beloved and this is my friend." (Song of Solomon 5:16)

"I am my beloved's, and his desire is for me." (Song of Solomon 7:10)

Meditation sends the roots of Scripture down deep as you personalize what you've memorized and pray it back to God. For example you can meditate on Proverbs 5:19 by praying... "God, thank Your that You say that I am to be like a graceful and beautiful deer to my husband, that my breasts are to satisfy him at all times. God, show me how to be a creative and sensuous lover to him, how to use my breasts, my body to give him pleasure. I want him to be intoxicated and exhilarated with my skill as a lover."
Let you mind go and appreciate and meditate upon the manliness of your God-given lover and husband! Shulamith, a biblical example of a Godly and sensuous wife, used her mind to shift into sexual gear. She had placed a storehouse of treasured erotic memories in her mind and pulled them out reliving them. She is thinking about her lover, Solomon, in very sensuous ways. Listen to the start of her beautiful words, and then read them and the Song of Solomon in your Bible, asking our Lord to open up and renew and transform your mind...

"My beloved is dazzling and ruddy, outstanding among ten thousand. His head is like gold, pure gold; his locks are like clusters of dates, and black as a raven. His eyes are like doves, beside streams of water, bathed in milk and reposed in their setting. His cheeks are like a bed of balsam, banks of sweet-scented herbs; his lips are lilies, dripping with liquid myrrh. His hands are rods of gold set with beryl; his abdomen is carved ivory inlaid with sapphires. His legs are pillars of alabaster set on pedestals of pure gold; his appearance is like Lebanon, choice as the cedars. His mouth is full of sweetness. And he is wholly desirable. This is my beloved and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem..." (Song of Solomon 5:10-16)

Enjoy your Holidays in all ways!!!

With my hugs and prayers,
Dr. Lisa

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cardiovascular Health & Cholesterol, Eric's Arm Toning, End of Life Discussions, Open the Car Door & Great Love Life, Faith

This is part of our work family at our Halloween party - can you tell who is who??? We at Northside Family Care are so thankful for you and the honor of being your Family Doctors! We have been very busy lately with the flu outbreak and working our hardest to serve you, and having our potential flu patients come through our back door and stay out of the waiting room. We have had at least a fourth of our staff missing each week, either sick themselves or caring for sick family, and nurse Liz transferred out of state with her husband. We look forward to being fully staffed soon, with a new nurse team member learning from our wonderful nurses. We are also excited that our evening very experienced and talented receptionist Elaine with be working full time with us now. Please always let us know if you have any comments or suggestions!
Cardiovascular Health & Cholesterol
Basics: Primary keys to promote your cardiovascular health - remember everything in balance!
-eat 5 - 10 servings a day of healthy fruits and vegetables (potatoes and corn do not count)
-cardio exercise at least 5 days per week for 30 minutes, and maintain your best weight
-drink at least 1/2-1 gallon of water per day (your urine should always be clear, and you can accomplish this by drinking a whole 16 oz bottle of water at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and mid afternoon) and avoid soda (if you drink any, root beer is the least harmful)
-never smoke; drink less than 1 - 2 alcoholic drinks per day (less than 1 for women and less than 2 for men); avoid too much coffee ( less than 2 cups/day); make sure your blood pressure is well controlled (and blood sugar is well controlled if you are diabetic); manage your level of stress
Blood Measures of Cardiovascular Risk

Cholesterol is actually very good for us, and we cannot live without it - it is vital for our hormones and sex hormones and cell membranes. We just need a healthy balance, and manage our own cholesterol by looking at our overall health and family history. The best numbers to look at are the total cholesterol/HDL level (want less than 4.5), and LDL/HDL less than 3.3.

This amino acid is a byproduct of metabolism, and when elevated can damage your arteries and lead to cardiovascular disease. We want levels less than 10, and even less than 8 if you have cardiovascular risks. People can be at risk for elevated homocysteine levels if you smoke, drink coffee or alcohol, are female or male past menopause, have diabetes, or have a family history of early cardiovascular disease. The great news about lowering homocysteine levels in the blood, is that it can be done very naturally taking extra B vitamins folic acid, vitamin B-12, and vitamin B-6 (our Cardio B supplement, or prescription B supplements like Foltx or Mentax). The B vitamins help change homocysteine into non-harmful substances.

Highly Sensitive C-reactive Protein (hs-CRP=cardio CRP)
This is a protein released into your blood when there is inflammation occurring within the body. Your level should be at least below 4, and preferably below 1. You can reduce hs-CRP naturally by eating a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables, and taking antioxidant supplements. Red yeast rice supplements and statin drugs also can decrease hs-CRP.


Anti oxidants
As our body does its daily work to keep us alive, chemical reactions occur constantly and produce oxidants which can damage or kill cells (which can lead to cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, cancer, dementia, and more). Antioxidants protect us from the bad oxidants, and we get the most from eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables, and some of the most commonly known supplements are Vitamin C and E. We need to eat 5 - 10 servings a day (2/3 of our plate should be the healthy fruit and vegetables). If you know you will not eat enough daily, then consider taking an antioxidant supplement.

Fish Oil (want fresh and non-rancid, and now are prescription fish oil like Lovaza and Animi-3)- decreases cholesterol and triglycerides, decreases inflammation and even blood pressure in 1 - 4 grams/day

Niacin (B3) - decreases cholesterol and triglycerides - 500 - 2000mg/day (and often causes hot flashes)

Red Yeast Rice - decreases cholesterol and triglycerides, and best to take with co Q 10 - supplement Choleast taken 1-2/day

Co Q 10 (antioxidant and energy producing molecule vital for proper heart and brain function, and low levels are linked to Parkinson's disease and may accelerate brain aging) - best to be on this when you are taking a statin drug and when taking red yeast rice

Plant Sterols (most derived from soy) - these decrease cholesterol absorption from the intestines - recommend 1.5 - 3 grams per day (best divided twice daily) - Orthomolecular has supplement Triplichol with Niacin

Fiber - binds cholesterol in intestines
Policosanol - derived from sugar cane and decreases cholesterol

Tocotrienols - mixed natural vitamin E - decrease cholesterol and anti-platelet effects

Vitamin B5 (pantothene) - decreases cholesterol

Garlic - decreases cholesterol and anti-platelet effects

Artichoke - decreases cholesterol

Lipoic Acid - helps vitamin E

Grape Seed Extract - decreases cholesterol

Aspirin - anti-platelet effect


Statin Drugs to lower cholesterol - Zocor, Pravachol, Lipitor, Crestor - concentrated and discovered from red yeast rice and chould be taken with Co-Q 10 supplement
Fibrates to especially lower triglycerides - such as Lopid, Trichor, Welchol

Eric's Tips - Arm Toning and Triceps Training
By Eric Walden
Written by Roger Lockridge

Today we are going to focus on the upper arms. Because I’m not a writer I am bringing you an article from someone that is more experienced when it comes to writing. I love using theses lifts in my normal routine.

Close-Grip Bench Press

This exercise starts off just like a normal flat barbell bench press, only your grip is going to be closer. You want your hands to be anywhere from six inches to shoulder width apart. If your hands are any closer than six inches, it will place extra stress on the wrist and elbows. If your hands are past shoulder width, the chest will bear the majority of the load. Lower the bar to a three count until it touches your chest. Once it does, explode up to a count of one. Squeeze the triceps at the top for a count of one and repeat. Do two warm-up sets and then do four heavy sets of 10-15 reps with about one minute rest between sets.

Lying Triceps Extensions with EZ Curl Bar

Lie on a flat bench with an EZ Curl Bar in your hands at arms length. Keep the hands about six inches apart for the best stimulation of the tri's. Bending at the elbows and keeping the upper arm stationary, lower the bar until it is about one inch above your forehead. Lower to a three count. Push the weight back up to the top to a count of one. Repeat. Do three heavy sets of 10-15 reps with about one minute rest between sets. If you have elbow problems and can't perform these comfortably, you can do them with dumbbells. Hold them with the palms facing each other and perform the exercise as you would with the bar.

Parallel Bar Dips

Start out with your hands on the bars or handles if provided and have yourself pushed up to arms length. Bending at the elbows, lower yourself down until your upper arms are parallel to the floor or your arm is bent to a 90 degree angle. Lower yourself to a three count and push yourself up to a one count. Squeeze at the top of the movement. If your body isn't enough weight, you can add weight by either a vest or a weight hanging from a belt. Do three heavy sets of 10-15 reps with one minute rest in between. You can also do bench dips by placing two flat benches side by side. Place your feet on one and place your hands on the other and hold yourself up. Lower yourself until your arms make a 90 degree angle and push yourself up. Add weight to this lift by placing weight on your lap.

Rope Press-down

Stand at a cable station with a rope hanging from a high pulley. Grab the rope with your palms facing each other. Keeping your upper arms to your side, bend at the elbows and lower the rope until your arms reach full extension. Squeeze for a count of one and then let the rope back up to the beginning to a count of three. Repeat. Perform 2 moderately heavy sets of 20 reps with about one minute between sets.

Discussions About End of Life Care - see article in Indianapolis Star, Thursday November 12
This is something we usually want to avoid and is never easy to do, but the Holidays coming up is a good time to consider setting up a time to talk with your family about end of life planning -- living will, health-care power of attorney, funeral arrangements. Engage With Grace, an on-line help initiative, suggests 5 key questions.

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, where do you fall on these statements. "Dying in your own bed with no intervention." to "Don't give up on me no matter what, try anything proven or unproven possible."
2. If there were a choice, do you prefer to die at home or in the hospital?
3. Could a loved one correctly describe how you would like to be treated in the case of a terminal illness?
4. Is there someone you trust whom you have appointed to advocate on your behalf when the time is near?
5. Have you done any of the following: written a living will, appointed a health-care power of attorney, completed an advance directive, planned your funeral?

Helpful sources

Engage With Grace
, at (has a downloadable form)

Aging With Dignity, at (offers a sample living wil

The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization , at (has advance directives for each state)

The Indiana Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, at (has a free "Say You Care, Start the Conversation" packet you can order)

Web Sites Helpful for Health and Weight Loss
- free excellent website used by many of our staff and patients, that helps you record your calories, and gives you continued suggestions on how to eat, exercise, and get healthier
- 30 day free trial then $5/month - can put in your weight goal and record calories and activity level, and the site helps you figure out the balance between eating and exercise to achieve your goal - Lance Armstongs free health website

Family and Faith


Husband Tip - Please open your wife's car door for her to get in almost all the time. If you do this, great job! If you do not do this, start immediately and continue forever. This is a near daily effort that will continue to show your love and service to your wife, which will have far reaching effects in your marriage and even your children's marriages. I was reminded myself of the very specialness of this effort this past week. My wonderful husband Bruce has done this for me almost all the time ever since we started dating. However, last Thursday on our way to and home from our small group meeting, he did not do it. I then realized how much I appreciate it and how special it makes me feel...

Wife Tip (and husbands please read also!!) - Please make great sex and time with your husband (or wives) your main priority. In my work at physicals to encourage marriages, I am reminded of the frequent disparity between women and men of their sexual interest. Us women much more likely are affected by work and children and home demands to lower our sexual desire. To counter these exhausting demands, we need to be intentional to think about our Lord's gift of our husbands, and plan into our schedules as a priority making love frequently (AT LEAST TWICE A WEEK!) and time alone together daily. Remember, what we spend our time upon demonstrates our priorities - to ourselves, our husband, and our children who are constantly watching and learning from us...

Two great books for you to read to greatly help you with ideas to get or maintain an amazing intimate marriage, are "Red Hot Monogamy - Making Your Marriage Sizzle" by Bill and Pam Farrell, and "Intimate Issues - Conversations Woman to Woman" by Linda Dillow and Lorraine Pintus.

From Red Hot Monogamy
"Couples need T.I.M.E. together. Here is what we see as a minimum time commitment you should have together just to maintain your relationship:

Ten to twenty minutes to talk together ALONE every day.
Invest in a weekly date night (or date lunch or breakfast) together for at least 4 hours (takes a couple hours to emotionally connect and leave some time for love making).
Make a monthly "day away" policy. At least once a month spend 8 - 12 uninterrupted hours together to reconnect. You can spend time doing things you BOTH enjoy (exercising, relaxing, errands, etc.), and be sure to have the house or your bedroom alone for some red-hot monogamy during this special time together.
Escape quarterly (or at least biannually) for a 48 hour weekend, and you can keep a special marriage treasure box to save up money for your special times together."
From "Intimate Issues"

Mind our mind! God gave us our minds with the expectation that we are to rule them - uproot weeds of past bad sexual images or attitudes, and renew and transform our minds with Scripture teaching on wonderful exhilarating marital love. "Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on the earth" (Colossians 3:2) "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2). Memorize Scripture and ask God to open your mind and feelings to these and other seeds from Scripture...

"As a loving hind and a graceful doe, let (my) breasts satisfy you at all times; be exhilarated always with (my) love. "(Proverbs 5:19)
"His mouth is full of sweetness. And he is wholly desirable. This is my beloved and this is my friend." (Song of Solomon 5:16)
"I am my beloved's, and his desire is for me." (Song of Solomon 7:10)

Meditation sends the roots of Scripture down deep as you personalize what you've memorized and pray it back to God. For example you can meditate on Proverbs 5:19 by praying... "God, thank Your that You say that I am to be like a graceful and beautiful deer to my husband, that my breasts are to satisfy him at all times. God, show me how to be a creative and sensuous lover to him, how to use my breasts, my body to give him pleasure. I want him to be intoxicated and exhilarated with my skill as a lover."

Let you mind go and appreciate and meditate upon the manliness of your God-given lover and husband! Shulamith, a biblical example of a Godly and sensuous wife, used her mind to shift into sexual gear. She had placed a storehouse of treasured erotic memories in her mind and pulled them out reliving them. She is thinking about her lover, Solomon, in very sensuous ways. Listen to the start of her beautiful words, and then read them and the Song of Solomon in your Bible, asking our Lord to open up and renew and transform your mind...

"My beloved is dazzling and ruddy, outstanding among ten thousand. His head is like gold, pure gold; his locks are like clusters of dates, and black as a raven. His eyes are like doves, beside streams of water, bathed in milk and reposed in their setting. His cheeks are like a bed of balsam, banks of sweet-scented herbs; his lips are lilies, dripping with liquid myrrh. His hands are rods of gold set with beryl; his abdomen is carved ivory inlaid with sapphires. His legs are pillars of alabaster set on pedestals of pure gold; his appearance is like Lebanon, choice as the cedars. His mouth is full of sweetness. And he is wholly desirable. This is my beloved and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem..." (Song of Solomon 5:10-16)

Parenting Tip - remember what our boys and girls need most

Boys (and Men!)- want to feel respected, believed in, and encouraged in their individual abilities, and fear being inadequate, failures, disrespected, and appearing weak and powerless
Give your sons (and husbands) unconditional respect and believe in them even in their mistakes. Give words and body language of honor, and recognize their efforts and successes. Give them opportunities to rise to the occasion - believe in, trust, respect, and empower them!

Girls (and Women!)- need to be loved, accepted, and feel special - known pursued and enjoyed for their loveliness inside and out, and fear not being lovely, unique to others, rejected, talked about, not included, and invisible
Build in your daughters (and wives) confidence from being loved and accepted because she is special on the inside (even as you know all her "stuff"). Tell her repeatedly how special and beautiful she is and build her up constantly. Girls especially need Dad's words of encouragement, words of pride, special time together, and always being there for her.

Divorced Families - - online service helps divorced families keep children's schedules straight and helps to brings peace a lot sooner in children's lives - allows parents to input their schedules, coordinate days adn swap visitation days, costs $99/year

On a personal note, my former husband Jim and myself and Bruce continue to meet once a month at our church TPCC (Jim is not a member but frequently attends). We meet after a service to discuss schedules and any upcoming issues or tips, and usually suggest something in our current Bible study to bring up in the next month with our children. This has been great to work to be good co-parents of our children, and to keep our children knowing that they are being cared for and discussed.


My Friday Bible Study
We are studying David and Bathsheba, and the many opportunities and crossroads David had to avoid his sins of unfaithfulness and murder. We must daily examine our many decisions that can be crossroads to tremendous sin. Remember that sin will take you farther than you ever expected, and cost you more than you ever expected to pay...

My Weekly Small Group
We are going through the book of John, about 20 verses at a time. This has been great to not just read a book from someone else about Scripture, but to develop the discipline to read the Bible itself - our God's words and love and teaching written for me and you! As we read the Bible, we ask God to help us see and learn, "What does it say?", "What does it mean?", "What does it mean to me?" - to see the principles and application to me. For example, Principle=Jesus came to save all people...Application=who have I written off?...
Martha in our small group commented that whenever she and her husband and children are planning things, she always says or thinks at the end of it all..."if the Lord allows" or "if it is in the Lord's will and plan".

Our Church - Trader's Point Christian Church (
Our minister Aaron is starting a series of sermons "Gods at War", which is exposing idolatry as the number one threat to our walk with God, our marriages, our finances, our work, and everything. We at first thought believe we can easily live the first commandment, "Have no other Gods before me". However we must daily be on guard to keep our lives in balance to live out this commandment. There is a false god under every sin. Sin starts with a good thing (like for example sports, being a good parent, money, looking nice, work) but then you want it too much and make it an ultimate thing. We need to call out our false gods, and "But for me and my household, we will serve the Lord". Aaron suggests you ask yourself and your family these 7 questions...

1. What are you most disappointed with in your life?
2. What do you sacrifice your time and money for?
3. What are you most worried about?
4. Where do you go when you are hurt?
5. What makes you mad?
6. What do you dream about?
7. Whose applause do you long for?

We all worship something, and we must daily choose who we will worship and serve. What does the God of the universe say about you?
My prayers for you and your family to have a wonderful blessed healthy November!
Dr. Lisa

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Screening and Treatment of Alcohol Abuse, Eric's Tips, Jonah, MOPS & 5 Point checklist

Your are so very special and dear to God - Welcome! I hope your are enjoying the beautiful Fall colors! This past week I had the honor of speaking to MOPS (Mothers of Preshoolers) at my church, Trader's Point Christian Church. I will review the subject of alcohol abuse, my talk to MOPS, and lessons from Jonah, along with Eric's Tips. (Above picture is from my parent's 60th wedding anniversary celebration.)

Screening and Treatment of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse and dependence are associated with 100,000 deaths each year in the US (traffic deaths, cirrhosis of the liver, cancer, heart disease, and more), cause 30 - 40 percent of all traffic fatalities, and affect approximately 10 percent of Americans at some point in their lives. Unhealthy alcohol use affects 7 to 20 percent of Americans, and risky drinking affects up to 30 percent (and binge drinking affects over 40 percent of teens and college students). Early drinkers are FOUR times more likely to develop alcoholism than those who begin alcohol intake at age 21.

Binge Drinking = 5 or more drinks at one sitting for men, 4 or more for women

At Risk Drinking (or Heavy Drinking) = greater than 14 drinks per week or 4 drinks per occasion for men, and greater than 7 drinks per week or 3 drinks per occasion for women

Alcohol Dependence = maladaptive(problematic) pattern of alcohol use associated with 3 or more of the following:
-Substance taken in larger quantity than intended
-Persistent desire to cut down or control use
-Time is spent obtaining, using, or recovering from alcohol
-Social, occupational, or recreational tasks are sacrificed
-Use continues despite physical and psychological problems

Standard drink = 12 oz of regular beer, 5 oz of wine, 1.5 oz of 80-proof distilled spirit

Moderate Drinking = LESS than 3 drinks per day for men, and LESS than 2 drinks per day for women

We work to screen all patients for alcohol misuse (current and past). Alcohol abuse and dependence run in families, and 1st degree relatives have a 3 to 4 fold increased risk of alcohol abuse than the general population. Depression and mental disorders are much more frequent in people who misuse alcohol, and it is estimated that alcoholism accounts for 25 percent of suicides. As many as 80 percent of people with alcohol problems smoke, and 30 percent of smokers have alcohol problems. Red flags for the possibility of alcohol abuse and dependence are driving while intoxicated, job loss, physical trauma, frequent emergency room visits, unexpected accidents, and frequent family problems.

Screening Questionnaires - These are better than laboratory tests for detecting heavy or problem drinking in groups of people (on routine physical labs, elevated liver enzymes can be a clue to heavy/problematic drinking). One of the best, easiest, and most common questionnaires is the CAGE Questionare.

CAGE Questionnaire
-Have you ever felt the need to Cut down on drinking?
-Have you ever felt Annoyed by criticism of your drinking?
-Have you ever had Guilty feelings about your drinking?
-Do you ever take a morning Eye opener (a drink 1st thing in the morning to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover)?

The goal of treatment for alcohol misuse, abuse and dependence can be broadly seen as restoration of medical and social well-being by control of the alcohol problem. One group has defined recovery as "a voluntarily maintained lifestyle characterized by sobriety, personal health, and citizenship". Treatments include: motivational enhancement therapy (motivational counseling), brief intervention (ask about alcohol use, Assess, Advise, Assist), cognitive behavioral therapy, hospitalization and referral, Alcoholics Anonymous (abstinence is encouraged "one day at a time", and the Twelve Step Program uses the acknowledgment that alcohol has led to loss of control that recovery is a spiritual journey through belief in a higher power, and through personal exploration and acceptance), and medicine therapy (naltrexone, acamprosate, nalmefene, disulfiram=antabuse, topiramate, and others), and nutrition and exercise.

Eric's Tips - coming soon

Family and Faith


I shared my most passionate topic for young mothers - make certain your actions and thinking and time show that God and then your husband are the most important things in your life. I made many mistakes in my first marriage, and know God wants me to use my knowledge from this to help keep marriages healthy and great for God. How you spend your time shows exactly what is most important to you (like tonight I made certain to read the Bible with my husband and nine year old before I started work on this blog, as well as going weekly to church, small group, and woman's bible study, and working to daily respect and affirm my wonderful God-given treasure of my husband Bruce, and then near daily exercise and healthy diet to maintain my health). As a wonderful Godly woman and patient of mine Kathryn discussed with me when she found out that I was talking with MOPS - "If a child sees he can manipulate you as a couple he will do so, but actually feels much more secure and less likely to act out if you and your husband love and respect each other and work as a team. A child must feel safe and if their foundation is not strong - then problems start - then this creates tension on the marriage -- stop all this before it starts by always keeping God first and husband. Work to always kiss/hug and greet each other first before kissing and hugging your children - even if they come running to you 1st, you will make a lifelong lesson of marriage the priority by making them wait until you hug and kiss Mommy or Daddy first."

I also discussed that mothers and fathers need to remember that you and God (the Lord of our lives and not our consultant) know your children the best. We physicians are here as your consultants - you listen to our recommendations, but you make the ultimate decisions with your children along with prayer and God's direction. I recommended reading or listening to the great parenting book/guide, "Shepherding A Child's Heart", which we have at our office for checkout of the audio cd and my detailed summary of the book under Resources on our website. Kathryn also has a great suggestion of praying with your child while you are driving (for example, behaving at school, giving the child strength through faith, tests, etc.), and having family hugs at the end of each day for forgiveness.

Lessons from Jonah

Our minister Aaron just finished a 5 week sermon series on Jonah (can listen free through itunes on the church website He discussed that we all are at times like Jonah - running from God and making half hearted efforts. We need to make sure we are running to God and letting Him guide our hearts and actions - so that we can say "Yes God" before we even know His question. Our God pursues us as we run. We need to remember that God sends storms to reclaim us back to God and not to destroy us. We need to ask God to transform and grow us through the storm (not just deliver us from the storm). Deep change results from deep struggle.
Finally Aaron discussed the amazing topic of GRACE this Sunday. After being the beneficiary of God's grace, then Jonah did not want God to give grace to Ninevah. This well illustrates that grace is easy to receive but not easy to give. We need to remember that - I am saved by grace to give grace! Justice is getting what you deserve. Mercy is not getting what you deserve. GRACE is getting what you never expected to receive. If we live lives devoid of grace, we will seriously erode our integrity. We need to remember each one of us IS the church with the most important commandment to LOVE, and then to die to self and remember always that we are saved by grace to give grace.

5 Point Checklist - remember to teach our children to ask themselves these questions
Is it wise?
Is it safe?
Is it healthy?
Would God agree/approve,?
Would my parents agree/approve?

I thank our amazing God for each one of you so wonderfully and specially made, and thank Him for providing for us, blessing us, and always pursuing us. I pray for all of us to be wonderfully transformed through our storms; that God gives you and your family health and safety, and to be filled to overflowing with the fruit of His Spirit; and that we always remember and use for God's kingdom the supernatural all-powerful Spirit in us!
Dr. Lisa

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Influenza, Eric's Fitness Tips, Please Forgive Me!, Annointed

Greetings and blessings to all in this beautiful Fall! Happy Birthday to Brendan (now 15) and Annika (now 9), and all of you dear special people on your birthdays! We celebrated Brendan and Annika's birthdays, and then early last week found out Annika had influenza A (most likely H1N1, but we do not send off a definitive culture because it takes too long). She missed last week from school and will return tomorrow. We thank God that she has not been very sick, with her highest fever being 99.7, and the rest of us have avoided the illness. I will give you a flu update below. At Northside Family Care, we have been extremely busy handling the flu outbreak and many other illnesses, along with having two staff and one doctor out with influenza. I am praying for all...
"Have compassion on me, Lord, for I am weak. Heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony." Psalm 6:2
and thank Him that He promises, "I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you!" 2Kings20:5

H1N1 Influenza
The government and CDC continue their work to distribute the H1N1 influenza vaccine. Ours and most offices will not be getting the H1N1 vaccine, and we continue to wait the announcement of vaccination sites. Many schools anticipate being sites for vaccination. As it is also in the seasonal flu vaccine, the H1N1 vaccine is available in the live attenuated nasal mist vaccine and the killed virus injectable vaccine. If the H1N1 vaccine had been discovered just 2 weeks earlier, it would have been included in the seasonal vaccine. Children under the age of 9 getting the H1N1 vaccine should get 2 vaccinations, each one month apart.
The CDC recommends the most important to immunize are pregnant women, household contacts and caregivers of children younger than 6 months of age, healthcare and emergency personnel who have direct contact with patients, children age six month to 24 years, then adults who have medical conditions that put them at high risk. People over 60 have developed the H1N1 flu much less frequently, probably from exposure to past flu strains (one benefit of being older!). I will be getting the H1N1 injectable vaccine for myself and all my children when/if it is available. I have already had all my children and family immunized with the seasonal flu vaccine.

Symptoms of infection with H1N1 flu virus are similar to those of seasonal flu, including fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue, but with some H1N1 infections it also includes vomiting and diarrhea. The virus can be spread by coughing, sneezing or touching surfaces contaminated with the virus and touching your nose or mouth. You are considered contagious beginning 1 day before the symptoms appear, and at least 24 hours after your fever has resolved.

Most people with flu recover within 1 – 2 weeks without treatment. However, serious life-threatening complications can occur, such as pneumonia. If any of the following symptoms develop, call us immediately – shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, purple or blue discoloration of the lips, pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, signs of dehydration (dizziness when standing, persistent vomiting, not passing urine, or in infants lack of tears or few wet diapers), confusion or less responsiveness than usual, unusual irritability, seizures or convulsions, severe vomiting or unable to keep fluids down.

Prevention and Control of Influenza

H1N1 and other flu is transmitted through coughing, sneezing, or by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching your mouth or nose. The symptoms include fever, body aches, cough, fatigue, headache, chills, and sore throat. Tamiflu and Relenza can help speed healing from the flu if taken within 48 hours of flu symptom onset, so please call us right away if you think yourself or a family member may have the flu. Per government direction we cannot write prescriptions for Tamiflu or Relenza to be kept on hand just in case of infection, because we could run out of the medicine for people infected with influenza.

The following are tips and actions to prevent the spread of germs that cause flu and other respiratory illnesses.

1. Healthy Living (all of these help build your immune system)

-get plenty of sleep (at least 7 or more hours a night)

-eat a healthy diet (at least 5-10 servings of healthy veggies and fruits/day)

-exercise regularly (at least 1/2 hour a day 5 days/week of aerobic exercise)

-drink plenty of water (at least 64 ounces a day)

-take your Vitamin D!!! - A large study is to come out the end of the year showing significant help to avoid viral infections in people who take high doses of vitamin D taken for several weeks around viral outbreaks. Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that has profound efects on our immune system, and has been shown already that Vitamin D deficiencies predispose children to respiratory infections. Please read my earlier March blog for more about the vital importance of Vitamin D. During this several week time of the swine flu pandemic, I recommend taking for most teenagers and adults 2000 - 5000iu/day (unless you have had kidney stones or feel you have a special condition/multiple problems that you want to consult us for your own dose). We carry a well absorbed and very inexpensive Vitamin D 5000iu capsule, and if we are not close to you or are currently out of stock (we have been going through a lot), please go to your local good health food store. Once the flu pandemic is over, then return to 1000-2000iu/day, unless we advise you differently. At your yearly physical and well child exams, please ask us to check your Vitamin D level to assess your individual ongoing need.

-take your other vitamins, especially a good multivitamin (in my For Your Health information sheet accessed on our website tabs see an article written by chiropractor and nutritionist Dr. Zimmer about how to pick out good vitamins and supplements), Vitamin C, and omega fish/flaxseed oil

2. Prevention Steps-avoid close contact with sick people-wash your hands with soap and water often (or alcohol based hand cleaners), especially after a cough or sneeze-avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth (germs spread this way)-cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze with a tissue-if you get sick with influenza, stay home from work or school and limit contact with others

3. You can find out more information on the CDC website -

Eric's Fitness Tips - More on Nutrition!

More on Nutrition
By Eric Walden
Last blog we talked about how to cut some calories out of your everyday diet. This week I am going to talk a little more in depth about what you should be eating.
At the least, I recommend a 2000 calorie a day diet. The reason why I recommend this is because if you work out for an hour burning around 400-600 calories, your body really only gets 1400-1600 calories for the day. If you only consume 1200 calories a day, then you work out for an hour burning 4-600 calories your body only gets 4-600 calories to function on. This is not enough calories for your body to function. I bet you’re thinking by doing that you’ll just loose the weight faster, right? Not so. If you do this, your body goes into starvation mode. It stores all that it can as fat for energy later.

To help break down the 2000 calories here is what I recommend. Fifty percent should come from carbohydrates, 25% from proteins and 25% from fat. This is a balanced diet for the average person. With that said it can be adjusted for different individuals that have different needs/goals. This break down gives individuals enough nutrients to meet the daily needs.

To break it down even further we can break it down to grams. Grams are how the nutritional value is written on the packages of food. With a 2000 calorie diet it is easy to break down. One carbohydrate calorie equals 4 grams, 1 protein calorie equals 7 grams and 1 fat calorie equals 7 grams. From this information we figure out how many grams of each group you should consume. We already broke it down to 50%, 25% and 25%. Now just do a little math to get how many grams. To get the carbohydrates take (2000*.5)/4= 250 grams. 250 grams of carbohydrates is the amount you should consume in one day. To get proteins and fats use the same equation (2000*.25)/7=71 grams. 71 grams of protein and fat should be consumed each day. When you look on a food label it will tell you how many grams of each of these are in the food you are eating. Be careful because on labels they will tell you the nutritional value for one serving, but there will be more than one serving in the container.

For a weight loss diet I will typically adjust the carbohydrates and proteins. I will lower the carbohydrates by 10-15% and raise the protein value the same. This tells the body to build up the muscle and store less fat. I don’t adjust the fats much lower, because the fat does a lot for joint lubrication. I have done less and I have felt a big difference in my joints because of it.

I hope this has helped you understand nutrition a little better and helps you decide how you should eat. Nutrition can be a very tricky subject and there is a lot of information out there. I like to keep nutrition as simple as possible. With this set up it is easy to add your favorite foods (ie. Dairy Queen BlizzardJ my favorite). The nice thing is you can plan for such indulgences. One of the easiest ways is work hard 6 days a week at your nutrition then allow yourself a “cheat” meal or day. This helps with nerve racking of keeping to a stricter diet. Or you can start out slow and work your self up to the 6 days if you find it hard to start out with 6 days right away. The best advice I can give you is to PLAN AHEAD! By planning ahead you can avoid the pitfalls of stopping at a fast food restaurant when you have healthy food at home. Also by keeping healthy snacks in your purse or desk drawer at work will keep you on track instead of hitting the vending machine.
If you have questions about this article please get in contact with me at or by phone at 765-404-7343. I would love to help you meet your goals when it comes to fitness and nutrition.

Family and Faith

For all ages! "Please forgive me for...."

Instead of simply saying yourself or instructing your children to say they are "Sorry", instead instruct yourself and your children to say with any offense, even if it is losing your calmness with your children, "Please forgive me for..." then humbly wait for a response. This has been revolutionary and so much so relational in our Bleeke/Miller household and beyond. I was so happy just the other day for my daughter Annika on her own to ask a friend for forgiveness for not thinking before blurting out something hurtful ("that outfit is ugly"). Please ask God to help you work on this in your household!

"Annointed, Transformed, Redeemed - A Study of David", from the Deeper Still event with Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore, and Kay Arthur

I, Dr. Miller, am doing this study in my Friday AM woman's bible study this Fall. As with any time deep into God's word, it is great! I have just finished Priscilla Shirer's 1st third.

"It is not that we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God."2Cor.3:5
Priscilla reminds us that we need to be aware each day and each moment of our Lord's annointing upon our life - we have direct access to our most high God (through His word and prayer), and are guaranteed victory and supernatural results when we are obedient to God (and sincerely repentant when we are not). Prayer is the most potent weapon we have for access to God and to turn away Satan. Are we making time with God our priority? Because the better you know God, the better you hear Him. Remember that God is not our personal consultant (where we make the final decision and so He will not be as active or powerful), but the Lord of our lives and the All Powerful God!

Priscilla says.."Discovering that divine guidance is a benefit of the annointing has changed my life in unbelievable ways. Now I approach my time with the Lord and His written word (logos), fully anticipating that He has a specific word (rhema) for me. And since I believe He has direction to give me, I am more willing to patiently wait for His response before moving forward."

My hugs and prayers for all of you such dear and special treasures of God and your families - for health, safety, the fruit of His Spirit, and to be protected from everything except God's glory!
Dr. Lisa

Sunday, September 27, 2009

60th Anniversary Marriage Tips, Bladder Infection and Kidney Stone Prevention, Eric's Nutrition Tips

Happy Fall! I just got back to Indy after my parents 60th wedding anniversary celebration with our whole family at their home in Fort Wayne. It was a wonderful celebration at the Fall Festival at Solomon Farms and then a family dinner that evening (I am including some pictures I took with my camera). In this blog I am writing my prayer for my parents (and I pray it for all your families too!), bladder and kidney stone prevention, Eric’s nutrition tips, and my parent’s tips for a wonderful successful marriage.

Dr. Lisa’s prayer (for my parents and you)

We so love you God and are so thankful for Jesus, and for you always being right here with us. We thank you for your greatest commandment of LOVE, as Jesus says in Matthew 22, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it, love you neighbor as yourself.”
We thank you that Mom and Dad have followed this commend with each other and our family and our community. We pray that all of us will let Your and Mom and Dad’s great love fill our hearts and lives and our families through all our ensuing generations. We pray for unity with You and us and our families. Please keep all evil away, and for us to go forth as Mom and Dad in LOVE, as written in 1Corintihians 13 and seen in their marriage…
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking. Love is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perserveres. Love never fails…”
We know Mom and Dad’s love like Yours is eternal, and pray for many more healthy wonderful years for them on earth!
With all my eternal love and thanks, Lisa

Bladder Infection and Kidney Stone Prevention

Bladder infections and kidney stones can happen at any age and in men and women. Bladder infections (or also called urinary tract infections) are most common in sexually active women, and both men and women above age 60 (with decreasing skin tone and prostate enlargement). We need to teach our children to drink plenty of water, and over age 10 we need to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day – preferably 130 ounces (one gallon). This is best to be water, and can include some tea. Soda is especially irritating to the urinary system, not good for your bones, and can add many calories and weight!

Once a person has a bladder infection, I talk about prevention. This starts with drinking over 64 ounces of water a day. Tips to accomplish this are drinking intentionally double or triple the amount of water you normally would when you take a drink (quickly downing 8-16 ounces with a drink), keeping a water bottle with you in your car and desk, and drinking a large bottle of water when you drive home from work. You also need to eat healthy (plenty of good veggies, fruit, and lean protein – the Mediterranean diet is best), exercise, and keep a healthy body weight. Sexually active women should eventually get up after intercourse to urinate and drink at least 4 ounces of water (this flushes out bacteria from the urethra). If a person gets recurrent bladder infections, I commonly recommend daily cranberry pills and sometimes an antibiotic after intercourse.

By Eric Walden

Nutrition is a complicated sometimes, so I’ll try not to make it more complicated. I want to go through some simple ways to help you cut back in the amount of calories you consume on a daily basis. I am a big fan of calorie counting. I feel that this is the best way to keep track of how many calories you consume on a daily basis. There are several ways to approach weight loss. This is the way that I prefer to council my clients.

I want to go through some simple ways to cut back calories. None of which counting is needed. The first one is SLOW DOWN! I know this is hard because of the type of lives we live. A go, go, go lifestyle makes slowing down hard. Even just taking a few more minutes to eat is important. I talk to so many people on a daily basis that never eat. Some of them don’t eat breakfast and others don’t eat lunch at all. I don’t get this, especially when they tell me “I want to lose weight”. You have to eat to lose weight. If you don’t eat your body stops processing the food that you do eat. Your body starts thinking it isn’t getting enough food to work. I am not going to waste what food I am getting so I’m going to store it as fat for energy later. Then people ask why am I not losing weight? Duh, you’re not eating! Daily nutrition is a must; you can’t just eat junk food and expect to lose weight. So the first simple advice to losing weight is to eat at least 3 meals a day. Ideally 5 to 6 meals, but we’ll get to that another time. A way to help you make sure you get breakfast is by getting some healthy breakfast bars. Ideally I would like for you to sit down and eat a nice well rounded breakfast, but just getting something in your system is a start.

Next is cutting out the second helping. I know this is so hard to do. Believe me I love the second helping. In my house my dad always got first dibs then I did. Being the male of the family it seems that it is a right of passage to get to finish off the rest of the food. Take a few minutes after eating that first helping to talk to your family or friends. Use this time to let your stomach send your brain the news that it is full. Now in the beginning your stomach will tell you that it still needs food. This is because you are use to eating more food. It will take you a couple of days for your stomach to adjust. It is amazingly quick how fast your stomach adjusts.

Here are a few things you can do when you are out to eat.
- Share the main course of food
- If you don’t want to do that ask for a “to go” box when they give you your food and put half the food into the box.
- Ask if they have a lunch menu. These portions are usually smaller than the main course meals.
- DON”T SUPERSIZE ANYTHING! Get the smaller portion. When asked what size ask for the smallest size.
- Look for the Weight Watchers symbol. This usually means it has less fat. I have found that the portion size is just as big as the regular, so don’t over eat.

The last thing I want to leave you with is the best exercise of all to combat over eating. It is called the push back. Push yourself away from the table and call it quits. I hope some of the info will help you be able to cut a few more calories.

Obviously there are a bunch of ways to combat weight loss through nutrition. I don’t diet unless I am training for a competition of some kind. I try to make sure that whatever food I am eating is healthy for me. My biggest problem is over eating. I can put the food away. So I have to make sure that I use the “push back” exercise a lot.

I hope these tips have helped. If you have more questions please feel free to email me or call me. You can call me at 765-404-7343 or by email at

Family and Faith

Marriage Tip: from my parents, Don and Virginia Wolf – their tips told to me this weekend, after 60 years of a wonderful loving passionate fun marriage
Virginia: Don’t hold a grudge. Tell each other every day that, I love you! Remember that you will not always agree, and cool off if angry before talking again. You can not and should not win every argument, and it is not worth the upset. Do not take your life and marriage for granted – your spouse is a gift and treasure from God.

Don: Date constantly, and do not take each other for granted. Keep your marriage fun and warm and physical (hugs, cuddles, touch, and more) and laugh! Always strive to give more than you take – remember that it will be 75/25 both ways. Always respect each other.

Parenting Tip: for younger children

When children awaken in the middle of the night, you can have a pillow and blanket handy near your bed to let them sleep on the floor if they need to be closer to you. I never recommend having children sleep in their parent’s bed – it is not good for them or your marriage! If they routinely come into your bedroom, you can gradually move the pillow and blanket farther from your bed and then down the hall to their room.

If you continue after many efforts to have problems getting your toddler to poop in the toilet, I recommend trying glycerin pediatric suppositories. One of my children just would not poop in the toilet after a longtime of being urine trained. I finally told this child that if they did not poop in the toilet, they were choosing a suppository. It took just one suppository (and then only one more reminder), and then this child always chose the toilet and not the diaper!

Remember to talk with any age children about their “choices”, and that by their own choices, there can be good consequences and bad consequences… We all need to remember this!

With my hugs and prayers for you and your family!
Dr. Lisa

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

H Pylori, Fish Oil, Eric & Childhood Obesity, Power of Encouraging Words

I am so joyful and thankful to be writing to you, and want to help motivate and educate you to your very best health! Eric is writing about his passion – to decrease and end childhood obesity. I am writing about the stomach H. pylori infection, proven benefits of fish oil, the power of words in your marriage, and letting your children know you will always be there for them. The pictures above are from the Moto GP race this year. My husband loves anything at the IMS (Indianapolis Motor Speedway)!

My Rant (and Passion About Childhood Obesity Prevention)
By: Eric Walden

Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone had a good Labor Day. Lisa asked me to forego the exercise routine this week. Instead of an exercise routine she asked me to write about something I was passionate about. So hear we go: My Rant, well really just my passion.

Overweight/Obese Kids:

I know this may be a touchy subject for some parents, but I feel it is one that should be talked about. I know as a personal trainer I am asked all the time about nutrition. Rarely am I asked by a parent about nutrition for their children. Sometimes I feel that parents just think about their own nutrition and not their children’s, or parents are even scared to give their children healthy food. I even hear, “Well, I have tried giving them healthy food, but they won’t eat it, so I give them the junk food that they ask, scream, and beg for.” I have a 3 year old that loves sweets (what 3 year old doesn’t?). He begs all the time to get something sweet. Most of the time we say no, and occasionally we will say yes. But, and I repeat, but we give him a nutritious snack the majority of the time. Sometimes he balks at the idea of a healthy snack, but if he does he doesn’t get a snack. Don’t feel bad for not giving into your child’s wants, even if they throw themselves on the floor of your local grocery store. Let them do it. We, as other parents, know and understand, and we won’t think badly of you. Saying yes to a healthy snack is going to be a little tough if they aren’t use to it. It is like any behavior it takes time to get use to.
The main reason I chose this subject is because it breaks my heart to see children so overweight or obese at a young age. It is because the parent hasn’t taken time to provide the right care for their child. Again, I know I’m stepping on toes. I may even be stomping on toes, but something has to change. You are slowly killing your child.

The following is an excerpt from the CDC.
Obesity is a serious health concern for children and adolescents. Data from NHANES surveys (1976–1980 and 2003–2006) show that the prevalence of obesity has increased: for children aged 2–5 years, prevalence increased from 5.0% to 12.4%; for those aged 6–11 years, prevalence increased from 6.5% to 17.0%; and for those aged 12–19 years, prevalence increased from 5.0% to 17.6%.1, 46
Obese children and adolescents are at risk for health problems during their youth and as adults. For example, during their youth, obese children and adolescents are more likely to have risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease (such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and Type 2 diabetes) than are other children and adolescents.2
Obese children and adolescents are more likely to become obese as adults.3, 4 For example, one study found that approximately 80% of children who were overweight at aged 10–15 years were obese adults at age 25 years.3 Another study found that 25% of obese adults were overweight as children.5 The latter study also found that if overweight begins before 8 years of age, obesity in adulthood is likely to be more severe.

Did you catch the first paragraph? The statistics DOUBLED! I know there are tons of excuses to be had on why a child is overweight or obese. But killing your child is what is happening. Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of all Americans, and the age at which it is being developed is going down. Childhood Diabetes is on the rise. Another way to put it is the fact that your child is overweight/obese means you will pay more for health care.
If your child isn’t use to eating healthy, don’t try to change over in one night. Not too many people can do a switch cold turkey; take it slow. Change up the pasta you use to whole grain or ground turkey from ground beef. These little changes may or may not be noticed, but it is a start. Another suggestion is once dinner is over, get everyone out of the house and take the family for a walk. This next month will be perfect for walks in the evening. It is a little cool therefore the walk won’t be hot. Again, there may be some complaining and grumbling, but bare through it. Once it happens consistently the grumbling will become less.

I’m not going to go into this too much. I just wanted to let people know where I stand. I think as parents we can do a lot better on caring for our children. We also need to educate ourselves so we can teach our kids to make better choices.
The following is the link to the CDC where I pulled the excerpt. I encourage you to read through this article and do some research of the effects of being overweight and obese as a child.

I know I have stepped on toes today with this article, but I really hope it opens someone’s eyes to how serious of problem childhood obesity is and how it will affect the life of the child until something changes. As our current president says, “Yes we can…Change”. Please take this to heart and look for ways to change your lifestyle to a healthier one.
If you have questions please feel free to contact me through email or phone. My email is and 765-404-7343.

Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Treatment
Helicobacter pylori (also known as H. pylori) is a bacteria found in the stomach and can cause many digestive problems and ulcers, and much less commonly stomach cancer. It is present in ½ of the world population, and the vast majority have no symptoms and never will develop problems. We do not yet know why some people with H. pylori get digestive problems and others do not. It is spread most commomly by consuming food or water contaminated with fecal matter, and then can cause changes to the stomach and upper intestine.

H. pylori needs to be thought of as a cause for especially upper digestive problems which do not quickly resolve. The most common symptoms are pain or discomfort (usually upper abdomen), bloating, feeling full after eating a small amount, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, dark or tar-colored stool (from bleeding), and low blood count and fatigue (from ulcers that bleed).

Diagnosis of H. pylori can be through blood, breath, stool, and upper endoscopy. Treatment involves taking several medications for 10-14 days (two antibiotics and one acid lowering medicine). Even though the 3 medicines together can cause side effects like nausea, t is important to finish all the medicine to ensure the bacteria is killed. Usually a follow up breath test is done to ensure the bacteria is gone, and some people need a second course of medicine.

Fish and Fish Oil Supplements WorkRemember your daily fish oil and Vitamin D!!!
Recent studies show eating several servings of oily fish (especially salmon) or taking daily fish oil pills reduce the risk of death or major heart problems in people at risk by 7 – 30%. A recent epidemiological study on healthy people showed that those who ate one fish meal/week lowered their heart disease risk by 15% and those who ate 5 servings of fish/week lowered their risk by 40%. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends healthy people should eat oily fish at least twice a week, and people with existing heart disease take a daily fish oil supplement (500-1000mg/day of DHA and EPA). Flaxseed oil is not as beneficial because it contains alpha-lineolic acid, which is converted into DHA and EPA in only small amounts.

Vitamin E is no longer recommended as an extra supplement for cardiovascular protection. It can be beneficial especially in some women for breast pain and also can help some women with their hot flashes.

General Tips:
Jennifer, wife and mother of two, orders weekly fresh organic vegetables at reasonable prices delivered to her home from!

Family and Faith

Marriage Tip (from “Red-Hot Monogamy, Making Your Marriage Sizzle”) - Power of Encouraging Words
Remember the great healing, loving, and sizzling power of encouraging words. I learned from my father that if you think something nice, be certain to say it! This is especially important with your spouse. So when you think of something nice or tender toward your spouse, say it or say something! God can help it to come out well and be powerfully received!

The authors of this book, Bill and Pam Farrel, found out the power of encouraging words on their honeymoon. Pam was looking in the mirror after showering and started to criticize her body. This so bothered Bill that he prayed, “God, I could do a better job than that mirror!” He then wrapped his arms around Pam and looked straight into Pam’s eyes saying, “I will be your mirror. My eyes will reflect your beauty. You are beautiful, Pamela. You are perfect, and if you ever doubt it, come stand before me. If I have to throw away every mirror in the house to get you to believe me, I will! From now on, let me be your mirror.” … Pam adds that a man does himself a favor by loving his wife and being her mirror, because she will want to love him the way he desires to be loved. This is also very true for a wife respecting and being a mirror for her husband!

Chorus from the song “I Will Be Your Mirror”
I will be your mirror
Reflecting the beauty of your face
You are lovely and gentle
A picture of God’s amazing grace
I will see in you what you can’t see in yourself
And I will tell you again and again
I will be your mirror

Parenting Tip (from “For Parents Only”)
Tell and show in actions to your children “I will always be there for you.”

Our children need the security of knowing we are making the effort to understand them and will be there for them regardless of their mistakes, otherwise they will emotionally shut out a parent.

Take the time to focus on them, show you want to know and understand them, and spend time in their world (put aside other “urgent” things to say to them “Honey, YOU are my most important place to be”, ask them what makes you seem available or unavailable, you could text them once a week that you care, love, and am proud of them, etc.)

We as parents need to be vulnerable and admit our mistakes, and say “please forgive me, only God is the perfect parent”

Be calm and work with your words and actions to show that you will always be there for them, love, be their backup, support, desire the best for them regardless of their mistakes. They may have gone against your values, forgotten how valuable they and their bodies are to God, and have consequences, but let them know that God forgives us, so how can we not forgive them!

Have a terrific September, and I will write next after my parent’s 60th wedding anniversary celebration on the 26th! I pray for us and our families and generations for our God to protect us from everything else but do not protect us from God and His powerful work and blessings!
Dr. Lisa