Welcome Everyone! I hope and pray you are enjoying the beautiful weather and feeling peace and love. I am including a couple pictures from my family's special moments today with my son Nathan's graduation from Zionsville High School.
I am praising God that my husband Bruce, former husband Jim, and myself are going to start to meet monthly right after church, working hard to forgive and grow from the past and Christianly co-parent our four treasures from God (Christina, Nathan, Brendan, Annika). I mentioned last month that we met with a Christian counselor to help us work on that, but it really looked like it would never happen. I was prepared to write that we failed again, but instead I can sing praises that we are starting these meetings today. I know we will all work hard to have good boundaries and good hearts to make this work (for our children and for God). I encourage all of you to look at your relationships and see what needs to be worked upon. Then with God’s help and directive make the challenging effort to love not only the “Joys” (those easy to love)in your life, but your “Testies” (people who test and irritate you), “Foes” (your enemies), and “Fars” (people you do not know, like the poor and suffering… these titles are from Beth Moore’s “Loving Well” bible study). It is easy for everyone to love the “Joys”, but takes real intention, work, faith, and maturity to love the others. For myself Lisa, as I learn from my continued failures, God forgives and will keep helping me love those difficult to love even better, giving me that inner peace and love, and really all the fruit of His Spirit.
Ideas for Simplyfying Your Pace of Life
Deliberately drive in the slow lane for a day.
Chew your food slowly, putting down the utensil after each bite.
Focus for a day on listening much more than speaking.
Pause for several breaks during the day.
Leave you watch off for a day.
Saying "no"
Skip lunch for one day - say no to a meal and devote that time to prayer or journaling about you pace of life.
Keep a log of how you spend your time during a typical week. Ask someone to review it with you, looking for activities to eliminate.
Look in the mirror in the morning and watch yourself say "no", politely but firmly ten times. Then say no to something that day.
What is an activity or involvement you might stop doing eventually? Could you stop doing it now? Discuss with your spouse and or a friend.
Cancel a magazine subscription, knowing you can start it up again in a few month sif you really miss it.
More tips next blog this month about De-cluttering, Using leisure time in life-giving ways, and Keeping the Sabbath. Adapted from the excellent book, "An Ordinary Day With Jesus", by Ortberg.
Bariatric Advice
My name is Julia and recently Doctor Miller has asked me to share some of what I learned with you.If you are considering weight loss surgery my first advice is to consultNorthside Family Care and check if you have actively pursued all your other weight loss options first. Then if you really have done this, pray for the wisdom to choose the procedureand surgeon that is best at the procedure you feel would be best suited for you. Ask many questions and go to a couple of the support group meetings to learn what many of the patients who have gone through this have to say and ask as many questions as you can think of. All the"Bariatric Centers of Excellence" designated Centers have support group meetings and welcome visitors. Believe me, most of us who have gone through bariatric surgery feel very passionate about helping and being there for others about to embark on this journey! Take your family or friends with you! You will need a strong support system along with your faith in GOD to help. The more your support system knows the better they will be able to be there for you both emotionally and physically.If you are reading this then most likely you are a patient of NorthsideFamily Care and you already have an amazing support team to add to your family and friends!
One of the most important things following bariatric surgery is your vitamin regimen. This is not optional! It is very important that you take your vitamins and I have learned quite a bit through trial and error.Vitamins, just as most things range in quality and effectiveness. I started out buying the bargain brands and struggled getting my levels where they were supposed to be. I especially had issues with my Calcium, Iron and my Vitamin D levels. Understanding that I was taking all of these supplements and still falling below acceptable levels was very frustrating. I learned again from Northside Family Care and reading that there are several kinds and quality sources of all different vitamins and the effectiveness is dependent on the quality and the ability for your body to absorb them. I also learned that afterbariatric surgery your body can not absorb nearly as effectively as before so the absorption ability of your vitamins is CRITICAL! I tried all different brands and dosages before finally finding the right combination. Once I did I can honestly tell you that I feel so much better. My lab work also now shows that I am getting the necessary nutrients needed to be well. I get most of my vitamins from Northside Family Care as the quality and absorption are far higher than any I havefound on the market. I also learned that when it comes to Calcium there is generally two kinds - Calcium Carbonate and Calcium Citrate. The Calcium Citrate is much more effective than Calcium Carbonate so spend a little extra and purchase the most effective kind. Iron has a similar problem. I purchased many kinds which were too strong for my new sensitive stomach so I started purchasing the reactive iron. I could tell it was much easier on my stomach within just a couple of days. Ialso have learned that vitamin D is critical for the proper absorption of your calcium among other things and I take it daily too. I hope some of this information might save someone some time and eliminate some ofthe trial and error I went through before learning all this. The bottom line really is that no matter where you choose to purchase your vitamins, do some research on the quality and the absorption ease of the vitamins. Remember that your body doesn't have the ability to absorb as it didprior to the surgery therefore the better quality vitamins you take thebetter you will feel. I wish I could share everything I have learned but then I would need to write a book! I would however be available through Northside Family Care to answer any additional questions that I can. I will honestly tell anyone who asks that it was not an easy journey. In the beginning there were times when I was truly scared but I prayed. I did my best to keep a positive attitude, and I knew that each day would get better and it did! I feel great! I enjoy life, and I feel blessed to be healthy and feel good about myself. Instead of living to eat I now eat to live. I am rarely hungry and I now eat 5 to 6 small meals and I feel amazing!
Have a wonderful day and please let Northside Family Care know if you would like to speak to me. I am not a medical professional but I am apatient who has been blessed with the ability to share my experiences. Iam open and feel very compelled to be there for others going through this. If GOD blesses me enough to let me help one person have a little easier time through this then I will feel even more blessed!
Fitness Tips by Eric
There are 4 different types of stretching. Dynamic, Static, Active, and Passive stretching. Dynamic stretching involves moving parts of your body and gradually increasing reach, speed of movement, or both. Active stretching is where you assume a position and then hold it there with no assistance other than using the strength of your agonist muscles. Passive stretching is where you assume a position and hold it with some other part of your body, or with the assistance of a partner, or some other apparatus. Static stretching involves holding position. That is, you stretch to the fartherest point and hold the stretch.
For our purposes Static stretching is going to be the main stretching that you will want to use. Static stretching is for the basic exerciser. This type of stretching allows the person to loosen up the muscles and help the joints have a greater range of motion. During exercise it is good to do some pre-stretching and post stretching. Pre-stretching covers the major muscle groups that you plan on working. I typically hold my pre-stretching for 10 seconds. After I work out, I then go back and stretch. This time I hold my stretches for 15-20 seconds. I will also do the same stretch multiple times, especially a muscle I know later will be sore. Muscle soreness after weight training is a natural thing. Typically you will get sore a day or two later. This is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). DOMS is just your body’s way of telling you that you worked that muscle hard. Lactic acid gets stuck inside the muscles causing them to get sore. When you stretch, this releases the lactic acid out of the muscles thus relieving the soreness. Stretching helps but does not entirely relieve this symptom. I personally like to work out until I am sore to better build and strengthen muscle, although that is not a requirement. I recommend beginners take it easy for the first couple of times out. When I first start with a new client, I work to get to know them and stop them before they get sore.
When I get done with a full body exercise routine, I will stretch my hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, lat’s, pec’s, and low back. I will provide a link to a picture for you to be able to see each of these stretches. This will be easier than placing the picture in this article. The website is http://www.bodybuilding.com/ for those of you interested.
Hamstring- http://bodybuilding.com/fun/stretches.php?Name=Hamstring+Stretch
Quads- http://bodybuilding.com/fun/stretches.php?Name=On+Your+Side+Quad+Stretch
Glutes- http://bodybuilding.com/fun/stretches.php?Name=Glute+Stretch
Lat’s- http://bodybuilding.com/fun/stretches.php?Name=Seated+Torso+Reach
Pec’s- http://bodybuilding.com/fun/stretches.php?Name=Chair+Upper+Body+Stretch
Low Back- http://bodybuilding.com/fun/stretches.php?Name=Seated+Or+Standing+Twist
There are a lot more stretches that can be done. I’m just trying to give you an idea of what can be done and should be done. I recommend stretching daily. It will never hurt to stretch. Again, I do pre and post stretch exercises holding each stretch between 10-20 seconds.
If you have more questions, please feel free to email me at eric_walden@waldospersonaltraining.com.
General Tips:
Grandma Els Organic cream is great for diaper rash (definitely available at Target.com), from Mom Deanne (with her baby Meredith) and her friends.
Family and Faith
Parenting Tip
1. Work hard to make your baby a good sleeper and fall asleep on her/his own, because if you do not, they may not be good sleepers until they are a teenager!
-start soon after birth to most times put your baby down to sleep while still awake but you know she is sleepy
-if she cries, let her cry for 5 minutes and then go in and camly talk with her, saying that she is sleepy and it is time for her to go to sleep and at most just pat her back (try not to pick her up), and next time wait 10 minutes then do the same thing until she falls asleep
-I know it is hard to hear your baby cry, but remind yourself that you are relly helping them grow and begin to learn limits, boundaries, and self control (and you are helping your marriage!)
2. Talk all the time to your newborn and baby! We often to forget to converse/talk to our babies when we are doing all our regular activities and explain what we are doing and what is going on in the world, like while shopping, cooking, cleaning, driving, etc.
1.Make God and your marriage the priority! -us moms especially need this reminder, because we can easily let our maternal side make our children the priority beginning at birth.
-Kiss and hug your spouse before the kids as soon as you get home. Even if they run to you, gently tell them they need to wait until you kiss your spouse first. This sends a powerful learning and internalizing message to them for their future marriage and family - that you prioritize your spouse and deserve to be treated special by your spouse.
-Get the kids to bed and make date/couple time together most nights to reconnect and enjoy each other.
-Make regular date nights, and if you are lucky enough to have family/friends/parents who will take your kids overnight at their home, do it once a month! Even though you may miss your kids a little especially if you work full time, this pays huge benefits for your marriage and fun together (then big benefits to your children!).
2. When disciplining, talk about "good choices versus bad choices" and not that they are bad versus good children. You can say, "You made a bad choice to do this so you will have this consequence. I know next time you will make a good choice."
3. Be intentional to keep your child's nap and bedtime schedules most days, because a rested child is happier and healthier (and so are you)!
Ideas for Simplyfying Your Pace of Life
Deliberately drive in the slow lane for a day.
Chew your food slowly, putting down the utensil after each bite.
Focus for a day on listening much more than speaking.
Pause for several breaks during the day.
Leave you watch off for a day.
Saying "no"
Skip lunch for one day - say no to a meal and devote that time to prayer or journaling about you pace of life.
Keep a log of how you spend your time during a typical week. Ask someone to review it with you, looking for activities to eliminate.
Look in the mirror in the morning and watch yourself say "no", politely but firmly ten times. Then say no to something that day.
What is an activity or involvement you might stop doing eventually? Could you stop doing it now? Discuss with your spouse and or a friend.
Cancel a magazine subscription, knowing you can start it up again in a few month sif you really miss it.
More tips next blog this month about De-cluttering, Using leisure time in life-giving ways, and Keeping the Sabbath. Adapted from the excellent book, "An Ordinary Day With Jesus", by Ortberg.
Bariatric Advice
My name is Julia and recently Doctor Miller has asked me to share some of what I learned with you.If you are considering weight loss surgery my first advice is to consultNorthside Family Care and check if you have actively pursued all your other weight loss options first. Then if you really have done this, pray for the wisdom to choose the procedureand surgeon that is best at the procedure you feel would be best suited for you. Ask many questions and go to a couple of the support group meetings to learn what many of the patients who have gone through this have to say and ask as many questions as you can think of. All the"Bariatric Centers of Excellence" designated Centers have support group meetings and welcome visitors. Believe me, most of us who have gone through bariatric surgery feel very passionate about helping and being there for others about to embark on this journey! Take your family or friends with you! You will need a strong support system along with your faith in GOD to help. The more your support system knows the better they will be able to be there for you both emotionally and physically.If you are reading this then most likely you are a patient of NorthsideFamily Care and you already have an amazing support team to add to your family and friends!
One of the most important things following bariatric surgery is your vitamin regimen. This is not optional! It is very important that you take your vitamins and I have learned quite a bit through trial and error.Vitamins, just as most things range in quality and effectiveness. I started out buying the bargain brands and struggled getting my levels where they were supposed to be. I especially had issues with my Calcium, Iron and my Vitamin D levels. Understanding that I was taking all of these supplements and still falling below acceptable levels was very frustrating. I learned again from Northside Family Care and reading that there are several kinds and quality sources of all different vitamins and the effectiveness is dependent on the quality and the ability for your body to absorb them. I also learned that afterbariatric surgery your body can not absorb nearly as effectively as before so the absorption ability of your vitamins is CRITICAL! I tried all different brands and dosages before finally finding the right combination. Once I did I can honestly tell you that I feel so much better. My lab work also now shows that I am getting the necessary nutrients needed to be well. I get most of my vitamins from Northside Family Care as the quality and absorption are far higher than any I havefound on the market. I also learned that when it comes to Calcium there is generally two kinds - Calcium Carbonate and Calcium Citrate. The Calcium Citrate is much more effective than Calcium Carbonate so spend a little extra and purchase the most effective kind. Iron has a similar problem. I purchased many kinds which were too strong for my new sensitive stomach so I started purchasing the reactive iron. I could tell it was much easier on my stomach within just a couple of days. Ialso have learned that vitamin D is critical for the proper absorption of your calcium among other things and I take it daily too. I hope some of this information might save someone some time and eliminate some ofthe trial and error I went through before learning all this. The bottom line really is that no matter where you choose to purchase your vitamins, do some research on the quality and the absorption ease of the vitamins. Remember that your body doesn't have the ability to absorb as it didprior to the surgery therefore the better quality vitamins you take thebetter you will feel. I wish I could share everything I have learned but then I would need to write a book! I would however be available through Northside Family Care to answer any additional questions that I can. I will honestly tell anyone who asks that it was not an easy journey. In the beginning there were times when I was truly scared but I prayed. I did my best to keep a positive attitude, and I knew that each day would get better and it did! I feel great! I enjoy life, and I feel blessed to be healthy and feel good about myself. Instead of living to eat I now eat to live. I am rarely hungry and I now eat 5 to 6 small meals and I feel amazing!
Have a wonderful day and please let Northside Family Care know if you would like to speak to me. I am not a medical professional but I am apatient who has been blessed with the ability to share my experiences. Iam open and feel very compelled to be there for others going through this. If GOD blesses me enough to let me help one person have a little easier time through this then I will feel even more blessed!
Fitness Tips by Eric
There are 4 different types of stretching. Dynamic, Static, Active, and Passive stretching. Dynamic stretching involves moving parts of your body and gradually increasing reach, speed of movement, or both. Active stretching is where you assume a position and then hold it there with no assistance other than using the strength of your agonist muscles. Passive stretching is where you assume a position and hold it with some other part of your body, or with the assistance of a partner, or some other apparatus. Static stretching involves holding position. That is, you stretch to the fartherest point and hold the stretch.
For our purposes Static stretching is going to be the main stretching that you will want to use. Static stretching is for the basic exerciser. This type of stretching allows the person to loosen up the muscles and help the joints have a greater range of motion. During exercise it is good to do some pre-stretching and post stretching. Pre-stretching covers the major muscle groups that you plan on working. I typically hold my pre-stretching for 10 seconds. After I work out, I then go back and stretch. This time I hold my stretches for 15-20 seconds. I will also do the same stretch multiple times, especially a muscle I know later will be sore. Muscle soreness after weight training is a natural thing. Typically you will get sore a day or two later. This is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). DOMS is just your body’s way of telling you that you worked that muscle hard. Lactic acid gets stuck inside the muscles causing them to get sore. When you stretch, this releases the lactic acid out of the muscles thus relieving the soreness. Stretching helps but does not entirely relieve this symptom. I personally like to work out until I am sore to better build and strengthen muscle, although that is not a requirement. I recommend beginners take it easy for the first couple of times out. When I first start with a new client, I work to get to know them and stop them before they get sore.
When I get done with a full body exercise routine, I will stretch my hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, lat’s, pec’s, and low back. I will provide a link to a picture for you to be able to see each of these stretches. This will be easier than placing the picture in this article. The website is http://www.bodybuilding.com/ for those of you interested.
Hamstring- http://bodybuilding.com/fun/stretches.php?Name=Hamstring+Stretch
Quads- http://bodybuilding.com/fun/stretches.php?Name=On+Your+Side+Quad+Stretch
Glutes- http://bodybuilding.com/fun/stretches.php?Name=Glute+Stretch
Lat’s- http://bodybuilding.com/fun/stretches.php?Name=Seated+Torso+Reach
Pec’s- http://bodybuilding.com/fun/stretches.php?Name=Chair+Upper+Body+Stretch
Low Back- http://bodybuilding.com/fun/stretches.php?Name=Seated+Or+Standing+Twist
There are a lot more stretches that can be done. I’m just trying to give you an idea of what can be done and should be done. I recommend stretching daily. It will never hurt to stretch. Again, I do pre and post stretch exercises holding each stretch between 10-20 seconds.
If you have more questions, please feel free to email me at eric_walden@waldospersonaltraining.com.
General Tips:
Grandma Els Organic cream is great for diaper rash (definitely available at Target.com), from Mom Deanne (with her baby Meredith) and her friends.
Family and Faith
Parenting Tip
1. Work hard to make your baby a good sleeper and fall asleep on her/his own, because if you do not, they may not be good sleepers until they are a teenager!
-start soon after birth to most times put your baby down to sleep while still awake but you know she is sleepy
-if she cries, let her cry for 5 minutes and then go in and camly talk with her, saying that she is sleepy and it is time for her to go to sleep and at most just pat her back (try not to pick her up), and next time wait 10 minutes then do the same thing until she falls asleep
-I know it is hard to hear your baby cry, but remind yourself that you are relly helping them grow and begin to learn limits, boundaries, and self control (and you are helping your marriage!)
2. Talk all the time to your newborn and baby! We often to forget to converse/talk to our babies when we are doing all our regular activities and explain what we are doing and what is going on in the world, like while shopping, cooking, cleaning, driving, etc.
1.Make God and your marriage the priority! -us moms especially need this reminder, because we can easily let our maternal side make our children the priority beginning at birth.
-Kiss and hug your spouse before the kids as soon as you get home. Even if they run to you, gently tell them they need to wait until you kiss your spouse first. This sends a powerful learning and internalizing message to them for their future marriage and family - that you prioritize your spouse and deserve to be treated special by your spouse.
-Get the kids to bed and make date/couple time together most nights to reconnect and enjoy each other.
-Make regular date nights, and if you are lucky enough to have family/friends/parents who will take your kids overnight at their home, do it once a month! Even though you may miss your kids a little especially if you work full time, this pays huge benefits for your marriage and fun together (then big benefits to your children!).
2. When disciplining, talk about "good choices versus bad choices" and not that they are bad versus good children. You can say, "You made a bad choice to do this so you will have this consequence. I know next time you will make a good choice."
3. Be intentional to keep your child's nap and bedtime schedules most days, because a rested child is happier and healthier (and so are you)!
Enjoy all your moments!
With my hugs, prayers, and love for you all,
Dr. Lisa
Dr. Lisa