Welcome! I am so excited to announce that our expert trainer Eric Walden has just purchased his own gym this week - Snap Fitness, 11013 Allisonville Rd. Fishers, 594-1200! He is going to offer to my and Northside Family Care patients a 45 minute free fitness and exercise assessment with him and giving his recommendations. I will give you more details in my next blog - he and I are so excited to further continue our work together to get you your healthiest! I and my family have trained with him for the past three years, and have always been so impressed with his knowledge, skill, and results, and with him as a highly valued man with the utmost integrity and responsibility and personality. He has made my 16 year old Brendan into an extremely strong and talented football player, my son Nathan and daughter Christina much stronger and taught them how to weight train, and made my husband Bruce into a "ripped" 50 year old, and myself so strong and balanced at 50 - it is so much fun to be getting in better shape than ever!
The above pictures are of Brendan (far left #13, plays cornerback) at the first game in Zionsville's new stadium, and myself in our home gym. This blog I will discuss the diagnosis and approach to dizziness, finish my review of the book on teaching your children sexual values, and give great lessons learned from wonderful Christian counselor Jim Craig (317-471-0500 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 317-471-0500 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 317-471-0500 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, or 317-769-5557) last week when we had a meeting with him after a significant disagreement this month between my senior at IUPUI daughter Christina and myself and Bruce.
Dizziness is a very common problem, and can be divided into four groups: lightheadedness (vague symptoms, can be feeling disconnected from environment), vertigo (false sense of motion, spinning sensation), disequilibrium (off-balance or wobbly), and presyncope (feeling of losing consciousness or blacking out). Below I will discuss the common reasons and treatments for each of the four types of dizziness, but studies show that a final reason is not found in 20% or cases.
-anxiety and depression are the most common causes, and treatment needs to be directed to help this
-medicine side effects and medicine overuse or substance abuse (alcohol or illicit drugs) can give this sensation, and treatment is by stopping or adjusting medicines and treatment for substance abuse
-hyperventilation is a cause (breathing in excess of need, and people often sigh, and can have associated chest pain, numbness, and bloating), and can be treated by breathing control exercises (and occasionally rebreathing into a paper bag) and anxiety control/medicines
-sometimes fever and sinus and ear infections can cause this symptom
Vertigo - problems with the inner ear are the most common causes of this and the most common causes of dizziness, about 30-40% of adults have some problem with this
-benign positional vertigo (usually no hearing loss, episodic, and can have spells of recurrent eye movements)-treated during episode with anti-dizziness drug Antivert (or can Valium) and if recurrent needs referral to otolaryngologist for physical therapy exercises and/or canalith repositioning (can view these head and neck exercises at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqokxZRbJfw&NR=1)
-vestibular neuritis (usually no hearing loss, persistent)-viral infection of the vestibular nerve and treated with oral prednisone over 3 weeks
-labrynthitis (usually hearing loss, persistent)-infection of the labyrinthine inner ear organs and treated with oral prednisone
-Meniere disease (usually hearing loss, episodic)- increased endolymphatic fluid in the inner ear and treated with salft restriction and/or diuretic water pills, and can be treated by injection or surgery by an otolaryngologist
-migrainous vertigo (usually episodic vertigo with a migraine and often more pain/discomfort with full light)-treated by migraine prevention and medicines
Disequilibrium - there are many causes of this
-medicine side effects are the most common cause of this, especially in the elderly (especially cardiac/blood pressure medicines, anti-depressants, muscle relaxants, anxiety and pain medicines, urinary and erectile medicines)
-stroke or TIA are the most life-threatening causes and are almost always associated with other neurological problems such as weakness/paralysis of one side of the body, problems speaking, and others
-sometimes ear infections can cause this symptom
-poor vision can give this feeling and can lead to falls
-Parkinson disease (along with rigidity and slow movements and tremor)
-lower extremity numbness (especially in diabetics)
-any musculoskeletal disease that can affect walking
Presyncope - usually a cardiovascular cause
-arrhythmias (heart rate abnormalities)
-heart attacks
-carotid artery extreme narrowing
-low blood pressure with change of position - if not caused by medicine or significant dehydration or anemia, may be treated first with non drug therapy (increasing water and salt intake, regular exercise, rising slowly from lying or sitting positions, sleeping with the head of bed elevated) and then if needed with medicines midodrine, fludrocortisone, pseudoephedrine, paxil, or desmopressin
-medicine side effects as above - especially cardiovascular medicines in elderly
Eric's Tips - Cardio at home for those with painful knees and feet! -
The feet are the base of operation for all movement. If you have pain in the feet then everything else will start having problems as well, eventually. Knee pain is what about 75% of all exercisers and even non exercise complain about the most. There are ways to do cardio that don't involve the loading the feet and the knees with your body weight. A pool is the best option for you or even a recumbent bike. But not all of us have a pool at home or have access to one. But since we are covering in home cardio we get to be a little more creative. I wanted to address an quick issue with a definition of cardio training. Most people when asked are you doing cardio? They immediately think of running, biking, or walking. But cardio is training of the heart and lungs. We can train the heart and lungs without doing the "traditional" forms of cardio. I like to use weights to train the heart. I don't need a treadmill or a bike to get a client winded. Just ask Dr. Lisa. :) Since our goal is low impact on the feet and knees here's what I suggest. Again like all my workouts that I give anything can be modified or adjusted to meet your needs. Please do not think that my way is the best for you. I don't know all your needs, issues, pains, and medical problems. So don't take these workouts as blanket statements of facts when it comes to your body. Make sure you are listening to your bodies needs, but also be willing to try new exercises and push yourself a little more than normal. Keep moving from exercise to exercise without stopping. That is the key to doing a "cardio" style weight lifting session. Set up your exercises before you begin that way there is less down time in between each exercise. Here are a few strengthening exercises first.
Warm-up by walking around your house or up and down stairs.3-5 mins.
Wall Squats with medicine ball (3 sets, 10–12 reps): Place 4- to 8-pound medicine ball between inner thighs and squeeze ball while extending (standing up) knees.
Isometric hip adduction (3 sets, 12–15 reps): Sit on one side, propped up on elbow, with top leg crossing over bottom leg and top foot planted in front of body. Flex bottom foot, tighten quadriceps, and lift bottom leg off floor 12–18 inches. Hold 7 seconds before lowering. An ankle weight can be added when more resistance can be tolerated while maintaining proper form.
Lateral step-downs (3 sets, 10–12 reps): Stand on one leg on 6- to 10-inch step. Keeping hips level, lower unsupported leg just short of floor surface by bending support leg’s knee. Push through heel of support leg to rise back to starting position.
Side Steps (3 sets, 60 seconds each leg): Standing on one leg reach out to the side (12-16 inches) with the other foot, keep your moving foot straight ahead, use quick movements. Your body should be slightly leaned forward for balance.
Step ups- (3 sets, 60 seconds each leg): Using the same step as the lateral step downs, step up using one leg to step up. The movement should be quick. This shouldn't put your knee in pain because the step isn't very high.
This should be a good start. Throw in any upper body movements as well. The exercises that are listed are going to help strengthen the upper legs to help relieve some of the knee pain. Here are some upper body movements that I would include in this workout.
Push-ups (3 sets, 15 reps)
If you need help understanding the exercise please contact me. My contact info is eric_walden@waldospersonaltraining.com or 765-404-7343.
Family & FaithThe feet are the base of operation for all movement. If you have pain in the feet then everything else will start having problems as well, eventually. Knee pain is what about 75% of all exercisers and even non exercise complain about the most. There are ways to do cardio that don't involve the loading the feet and the knees with your body weight. A pool is the best option for you or even a recumbent bike. But not all of us have a pool at home or have access to one. But since we are covering in home cardio we get to be a little more creative. I wanted to address an quick issue with a definition of cardio training. Most people when asked are you doing cardio? They immediately think of running, biking, or walking. But cardio is training of the heart and lungs. We can train the heart and lungs without doing the "traditional" forms of cardio. I like to use weights to train the heart. I don't need a treadmill or a bike to get a client winded. Just ask Dr. Lisa. :) Since our goal is low impact on the feet and knees here's what I suggest. Again like all my workouts that I give anything can be modified or adjusted to meet your needs. Please do not think that my way is the best for you. I don't know all your needs, issues, pains, and medical problems. So don't take these workouts as blanket statements of facts when it comes to your body. Make sure you are listening to your bodies needs, but also be willing to try new exercises and push yourself a little more than normal. Keep moving from exercise to exercise without stopping. That is the key to doing a "cardio" style weight lifting session. Set up your exercises before you begin that way there is less down time in between each exercise. Here are a few strengthening exercises first.
Warm-up by walking around your house or up and down stairs.3-5 mins.
Wall Squats with medicine ball (3 sets, 10–12 reps): Place 4- to 8-pound medicine ball between inner thighs and squeeze ball while extending (standing up) knees.
Isometric hip adduction (3 sets, 12–15 reps): Sit on one side, propped up on elbow, with top leg crossing over bottom leg and top foot planted in front of body. Flex bottom foot, tighten quadriceps, and lift bottom leg off floor 12–18 inches. Hold 7 seconds before lowering. An ankle weight can be added when more resistance can be tolerated while maintaining proper form.
Lateral step-downs (3 sets, 10–12 reps): Stand on one leg on 6- to 10-inch step. Keeping hips level, lower unsupported leg just short of floor surface by bending support leg’s knee. Push through heel of support leg to rise back to starting position.
Side Steps (3 sets, 60 seconds each leg): Standing on one leg reach out to the side (12-16 inches) with the other foot, keep your moving foot straight ahead, use quick movements. Your body should be slightly leaned forward for balance.
Step ups- (3 sets, 60 seconds each leg): Using the same step as the lateral step downs, step up using one leg to step up. The movement should be quick. This shouldn't put your knee in pain because the step isn't very high.
This should be a good start. Throw in any upper body movements as well. The exercises that are listed are going to help strengthen the upper legs to help relieve some of the knee pain. Here are some upper body movements that I would include in this workout.
Push-ups (3 sets, 15 reps)
If you need help understanding the exercise please contact me. My contact info is eric_walden@waldospersonaltraining.com or 765-404-7343.
Parenting - from "Sex - More Than a Plumbing Lesson" by Amy Scheuring
Marriage is a Covenant and Forever
Teach and remind your children that marriage is a permanent promise and covenant with each other and God, and God takes covenants very seriously! The marriage knot is tied in all circumstances-for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, and their is lifelong joy in knowing there is someone always beside you. Give your children a vision of the Godly marriage that is a love growing ever better and lasting a lifetime, like Coach Wooden. The author suggests encouraging your child to think and talk about the type of person he wants to marry someday, write a short vision statement about marriage, talk about couples you know who have gone through the good and the difficult (richer and poorer, in sickness and in health), and pray together for the person they will marry and their future marriage and families.
Relationships with Your Children
Spend as much time as possible with your teenage children, and make sure you are not on the phone or not actively ready to listen. Strive to have family mealtimes most days, meet your children at the bus, be available to chat later at night with your teens, and think of you unique children and how you can enter and be a part of their world for them. "Spending time does not always mean there will be conversation, but it does mean you are creating a place for it to happen" (and for my boys, it can mean occasionally watching a TV program with them that they like, even though I do not like TV at all). Praise and hug your children often (they need affection even though they may seem not interested), and as Tony Dungy says, "Hug them ever chance you get!".
Entertainment Choices
Studies show that the typical American child age 8 and up spends 38 hours/week consuming media, , and most report that TV is the primary source of information about sex!.. "So turn off the TV and pick up a hobby that interests your children - biking, training your pets, cooking dinner, playing ball, taking walks, making crafts, or even washing the car." Make a list of active entertainment choices for your family and do them, and schedule creative "dates" with your children on a regular basis and keep them.
Setting Rules and Guidelines
Healthy good boundaries and rules do not punish but actually protect our children. Studies show that 91% of girls who start dating at the age of twelve have sex before high school graduation, and the number drops to only 20% when girls do not date until age 16. The author' guidelines...
1. Determine some rules for dating far in advance - like no dating until age 16, and then they can never be alone together in a house
2. Be reasonable - make sure your standards are attainable
3. Be sure of definitions - make sure you and your child have the same meaning to dating or hanging out or getting friendly, etc.
4. Be in agreement with your spouse and/or other parents
5. Find things to say yes to - such as well-chaperoned social events/dances, extending a curfew for a special concert, and open your home to be a place their friends want to com
6. Don't apologize for the rules - setting rules is your job - you are the parent! and be confident and upbeat about them
7. Insist on and teach and model good manners - listening well when in conversation, opening doors for girls and women, leaving cell phone off or in a designated place when at home, doing chores and looking for opportunities to help each other, answering the telephone politely, shaking hands and looking in eyes of new acquaintances, no calling after 9 pm (and no calling boys unless specific purpose), appropriate clothing and appearance, etc.
8. Find others who share your family's rules and don't let other parenting styles get you down - seek others who set high standards for their kids
"Give your children our B.E.S.T."
-Build Boundaries ---have your children list 3 things they will never do and 3 places they will never go, have them always think: Where am I? What time is it? Who's in control? What is the plan?, and challenge you children to show affection without touch (but especially for boys not to say "I love you" because the power these words have on a young lady and if he truly mean it his next words should be "Will you marry me?)
-Establish Emergency Exits --- plan for unexpected emergencies (most date rapes occur because kids don't have an escape route, and need to plan to avoid alcohol, drugs, speeding, sex), a ride home, a cell phone, or a strong group of friends can provide ways of escape from potentially harmful situations- families can agree on a coded message that means they need picked up, like telling the people they are with they have to check in with their parents and then saying "What? I have to come home now?! Well. OK, let me tell you where I am."
-Set Standards --- setting high standards tells the world how you feel about yourself, and encourage your children to make a list of qualities they are looking for in a girl or boy
-teach your son that a man's strength and power are shown not when he acts on urges but when he resists those urges
-integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching, and leadership is grown through the testing of our values
-Take your Time --- postpone dating as long as possible, and "as the wisdom of His plan unfolds over the teen years, fill the place in your child's heart that longs for acceptance, intimacy, and unconditional love"
Great websites, information, programs and help for parents and teens:
True Love Waits - a national program with built-in support - http://www.lifeway.com/tlw/
The Silver Ring Thing - shows abstinence in such a positive way that teens jump at the chance to wear the silver ring - http://www.silverringthing.com/
Counseling Tip from Christian counselor Jim Craig (471-0500, or 769-5557)
God says we have to "hate our parents and brothers" to follow Jesus, because we need to always be aware that we are ADOPTED... We are all adopted, and our real Dad and Mom are not our biological parents. Our real Dad (and Mom) is God! So we, and especially our children who are from divorced parents, need to always ask ourselves what does our real Dad/Mom want us to do in any given situation or decision or action. Jim also talked about the meaning of " Honor" - it is a weigh and measure term. So "Honoring your Father and Mother" as God directs means to look at their character and attributes, and accept and keep what is gold (good), and set aside those things that are not the best.
Marriage Tips - from "The Book of Romance" by Tommy Nelson
Keeping Romance in Your Marriage
"Come, my beloved, let us go forth to the field; let us lodge in the villages. Let us get up early to the vineyards; let us see if the vine has budded, whether the grape blossoms are open, and the pomegranites are in bloom. Then I will give you my love."
Song of Solomon 7:11-12
From this you can tell Solomon and his wife practiced the secret of lifelong romance - they continued to court and date!
Men - God calls you to lead in the area of romance and desires you to be romantic - you are capable of romance! You can express charm, romance, and affection - start with what you know and then work hard with God and the Spirit's help to learn and grow and continually be creative.
Men and Women - with the Spirit work hard to be spontaneous and unexpected! Romance is largely rooted in the degree of spontaneity you as a couple forever cultivate. Flirt with each other, do different things, and your youth and passion will be rekindled. (Words of wisdom to especially women and men - if your mate is being spontaneous with a date or activity try your hardest not to turn them down! ***Tip for this weekend - take your spouse out to Symphony on the Prairie this weekend - my husband Bruce and I are going to Buddy Holly and Friends tomorrow night!
Continue to date each other throughout your marriage - Set aside specific times to be together, and do not let anything take priority. Be a good listener, attentive, and well dressed for your special times together.
Reflect upon and remind yourself often to really appreciate the manliness or womanliness of your mate on the outside and their beauty inside!
*Next blog - factors that kill romance
My hugs and thanks and prayers for all of you so very special people!
Dr. Lisa
PS. I just purchased a small prayer journal that I take into all my office visits with me to write down your prayer requests so I can pray over them. Please let me know if you have special prayer requests!