Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Excel For Life, Eric's Body Weight Exercise Routine, Parenting Tips-The Big Rocks, Prodigal God

Greetings and Blessings! My family and I were so blessed to have a large Wolf family reunion last weekend! My wonderful Dad is Don Wolf, and his extended family enjoy a reunion the first Saturday in December every year. This year we added another reunion for the 160th anniversary of the Wolf farm and homestead in Fort Wayne, IN. The picture on the left is in front of the house today, and is Ned Wolf (age 79), Maxine Wolf VanHorn (age 88), and Don Wolf (age 81). The picture on the right is their brother George Wolf in front of the house in 1918 (George died 10 years ago at age 82). The top picture shows the whole reunion last weekend, including the house's original tin roof on the very top (160 years old!).

This blog I updated my "For Your Health" sheet to be more concise. If you are feeling bad or having problems in any way, you need to review these aspects of your life and make any needed additions (and if assistance is necessary, seek help from me, family/friends, and especially God). Eric has a great 30 minute aerobic strength training exercise routine (the video is a shortened version performed by your ever thankful doctor - for her outstanding trainer, patients, family, and Lord!). In Family and Faith I reviewed a great hour talk about parenting from last week's North American Christian Conference here in Indy, and my church sermon series on the prodigal son, "Prodigal God".

Excel For Life!
If you are feeling bad or having problems in any way, you need to review these aspects of your life and work hard to make the needed changes or additions! Read my blogs or articles about these topics listed under the Dr. Miller tab on our practice website.

Water - drink 1/2 or your body weight in ounces every day, and extra after exercise
-no other liquid is particularly good for you except green tea (and this only in addition to the water above)
-clears your body of toxins, and helps significantly with pain, fatigue, allergies, sleep, and much more!

Food/Diet - the first four are the healthiest!
Vegetables (rich in vitamins, fiber, and low in fat)- eat a wide variety and at least 3 or more servings/day
Fruits (rich in vitamins, fiber, low in fat)- eat a wide variety and at least 3 or more servings/day
Whole-Grains (rich in fiber, vitamins, and some protein, and low in fat) - rice, oats, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat are the best (gluten in wheat, rye, and barley can cause and worsen many problems in many people) - 3-6 servings/day
Legumes (rich in protein, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, minerals, and low in fat)- beans, lentils (seeds from pods, like chickpeas), and peas - eat 2-3 servings/day
Meat & Dairy - best to be organic and range-free (to avoid added hormones and antibiotics and toxins) & Nuts & Seeds (high in fat, rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids)

Common food triggers for migraines, arthritis,allergies, & others = dairy products, wheat, citrus fruits, corn, caffeine, meat, nuts, tomatoes, eggs, great book "Foods That Fight Pain", by Barnard

Exercise - at least 30 minutes aerobic exercise 5 days/week, and weight training 30 minutes twice/week, make sure to plan at least this much in each week - making it a priority like a shower and brushing your teeth, and no TV until you exercise!!!

Quality Supplements - required for our health - our food is often not the healthiest and comes from over-farmed nutrient deplete soil, remember by putting out your weeks worth of vitamins each Sunday (maybe just in a coffee mug in your kitchen)
Vitamin D3 for everyone - at least 1000iu/day in summer and 2000iu/day in winter (and is fat soluble weekly dose can be taken once a week) - for our bones, brain, immune system, cancer prevention, hormones, and more, those with conditions at risk need blood blood test to determine required supplement (may need up to 10,000iu/day)
Omega 3 Fatty Acid for everyone - 700-1000mg/day of EPA/DHA (and up to 4000mg for high cholesterol/triglycerides)- to decrease inflammation and for brain, joint, and cardiovascular health
Quality Multivitamin for everyone - helps give a boost to all vitamins and minerals and helps for energy and cancer prevention - take with iron if pregnant, anemia from iron deficiency, or heavy periods
Calcium especially for all girls and women - a well absorbed common calcium is Citracal w D (calcium citrate) - at least 1/day, and for women at risk and most all smokers 1 in am and 2 in pm (and a better calcium for bone building in those at risk is our Calapatite w MCHC which has more bone specific minerals)
Aspirin 81mg coated - best for everyone over age 60 unless contraindications, and for smokers over age 40
Other Common Vitamins - Vitamin C (1000mg, and doses up to 5000mg/day for short periods) can be added during colds, allergies, antioxidant; Zinc can help the immune system and especially men as they age with their testosterone; Iodine can help thyroid and metabolism
-certain vitamins can be tested in the blood, and I can perform a zinc taste test and Iodine spot test free in our office
Sleep & Balance & Boundaries - at least 7-9 hours sleep/night, and strive for balance in your life and keep your priorities in line each day and even moment (for me mine are God and husband/children first) - our life is like a boat and if you fill it too full of even good things you will sink!
Faith - can give you identity, direction, guidance, power, and all the fruit of the spirit for each day (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control - my prayer for you each day!) - I read a little daily and pray am, meals, and pm, go to church Sunday am, small group Thursday pm w my family, and woman's Bible study Friday am to keep me directed and centered (and often pray and memorize Bible verses during my jogging!)
Maintain your best weight - this helps your blood pressure, cholesterol, mood, endurance, joints, asthma, heart attack and stroke and diabetes and cancer prevention and more!
Tips for weight loss - 2/3 of your plate should be the healthy veggies and fruits (and change your diet to include lots of the first 4 food groups without any added fat), exercise aerobically at least 1/2 hour EVERY day, eat on a smaller plate, eat at least 3 small meals a day and especially don't skip breakfast, do not drink calories (juices have a lot!), don't eat a big meal late and try not to eat after 7pm (can brush your teeth after dinner), eat fruit as a dessert or small amount of dessert/dark chocolate right after meals, drink at least 2 large glasses of water before eating ad eat slowly chewing each bite 20-30 times, journal your food and calories on a good free website or application like (and people who journal lose 2x as much weight as those who do not - explains the success of Weight Watchers), 8 calories/lb body weight/day should make you lose a pound a week (and even more with exercise), get a buddy to team with you in your efforts, and strongly consider a gluten free diet (I have a patient Keelan who has lost 50 pounds over the past year on this - she could not lose weight with near perfect adherence to the above directives until eliminating gluten and has so much more energy)
-consider and get help for psychological problems hindering your weight loss (often a history of abuse gives one a fear and avoidance of looking better
-see me or your doctor if you do not have much success after a month of good effort, because you may need thyroid blood tests, a general physical and review of your diet, the above supplements and iodine test, a good trial of a gluten free diet, and some can have extra help by a weight loss medicine Adipex

Body Weight Exercise Routine
Eric Walden
This week's workout is another body weight routine. It can be done a couple of different ways. In the video we just stuck to 12 repetitions of every exercise. Twelve repetitions were done on both legs on all single leg movements. The other way is to time yourself and do each exercise for 30 seconds. I like this way better sometimes, because your mind is not stuck on a number and you can just go. Some exercise you may complete more than on others and that is okay. The key is to push yourself.
Jump Squats with a 1/4 turn:
Perform a basic squat touching your finger tips to the ground. This insures that you are going down far enough. The key is to bend the knees and not the just the hips. When you get tired on this exercise most people will just bend over and forget to bend their knees. If you can't perform the jump that is okay too, go ahead and do the 1/4 turn. This helps break up the monotony of the exercise.
Reverse Pull-ups:
I know you all probably think I love this exercise and well...I do! I also like regular pull-ups but most people don't have a pull-up station at home or they can't even do a single repetition. So this is a great alternative to a regular pull-up. This exercise is tough, so use your legs to assist. As you progress and get stronger you can straighten your legs using more of your body weight to perform the exercise. You can even go as far as placing your legs on a bench to get the full effect.
Single Leg Squat:
Use a broom stick or something to help you with balance if you need it. Using a dining room chair is a great gauge for how low you should go. You will have one leg that is a lot stronger than the other. I tell my clients to start with the weaker leg then end with the stronger one. This is more for mental aspect because when you're tired and want to quit the stronger leg will help push you through.
Side Crunches:
A great exercise to work on the "Love Handle" area. To simplify the exercise just use your upper body to crunch. Using the upper and lower body is a harder way of completing the exercise.
Side Lunge to Back Lunge:
On this exercise make sure when performing the side lunge to keep the back leg straight and let the foot fall on its edge. This helps with the transfer of weight to the lunging leg. If you can don't touch your foot when transferring from the side lunge to the back lunge. This helps work on the balance aspect of lunging.
Leg Raises:
Place you hands underneath the small of your back if you have back problems or need some assistance with this exercise. Having your hands out to the side increases the difficulty.
Push-up to side Plank:
Make sure when rolling into the plank that you look at the ceiling. This shifts your body weight to the obliques. If you don't you won't get as much out of the exercise. Ladies you can perform a modified push-up if you want (i.e knees down) then move up to a regular push-up position to perform the side plank.

Keep up the hard work!!! These exercises routines are not easy. So don't stop doing them because they are hard. The more you do them the easier they get and when that happens it means you are getting in better shape.

Also starting August 2nd I am running a Biggest Loser Challenge. I will be running it out of the Cardinal Fitness on 146 and St. Rd. 37. It is 8 weeks long and the cost is $600 per person. It is 3 days a week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 6 am to 7 am. You do not have to be a member to join the Challenge. Two people may join as one and split the cost and the sessions. Prize to be determined for the greatest percentage lost.

If you have questions please email at or call me at 765-404-7343. I would love to sit down talk with you and help you reach your fitness goals.
Family & Faith
Parenting Tips - from lead minister Randy Garis, from North American Christian Conference
Parenting is made up of hundreds of thousands of interchanges with your children (like sand), but he says if he could do it all over again he would focus & get distracted less on the grains of sand and hang on much tighter to the 2 big rocks... What does your child believe about their own identity? Do you and they know their identity? In Genesis 1, man is made in God's own image - we are made after His (God's) kind and made in His nature, both male and female. I am the shadow of God. Randy related about the toys in Toy Story with the word Andy on them - they were so proud that they were Andy's and knew their identity... We have God stamped on and in us - we are God's! This is the number one thing we need to pass on to our children - the truth about their identity.
Big Rock #1 - You are deeply and unconditionally loved from newborn and forever. You have worth and value just because you exist. You are made in the image of God and are the only thing on this earth that will be eternal. There is nothing you can do or not do to make me love you more or less. You have worth and value just because who you are. You cannot fail and be loved or valued less, and you cannot achieve anything that will make you be loved or valued more. There is nothing you can do to increase or decrease your value and worth. You have value and worth because you are the shadow of God. Repeatedly establishing this in your child makes your child's (and ours) heart so peaceful. Pray over and say to your children this blessing every day.
Big Rock #2 - Because you are deeply loved, you will have grand adventures, great ideas, and live out big dreams. Lift your child's eyes up repeatedly to give them idea of great plans God has for them. There are great adventures and dreams from God to live out and dragons to slay!
No matter what happens or what someone says, then your child's heart and soul are content and solid with these core values. They know to their deepest being that nothing cannot change the value of who they are (example of taking a $100 bill and wad and spit and soil it and it is still worth $100 - because the people who gave it its value still give it its value). Our value was established by someone else, the creator of our universe. Do you now your worth and value? Or do you keep wanting something else and more from the outside world? God tells us you are not bits of plastic or of this world - My name is written on and in you and you are my shadow. Then I give you great dreams and plans to live out!
Our children (and we) all leak, so our children need to be constantly reminded about their identity and God's unconditional love and these 2 big rocks. We and our children need to be around people and church who remind and show us this.
Randy asks these questions...
1. Do you believe these things of the two big rocks about yourself? Do you have unfinished business in your own life you need to work on? Don't use your kids to fill the own whole in your chest-drug user
2. Is your message consistent? He wishes this weren't so - but it takes 20,000 steps to climb a mountain but just 1 step to fall off... Consequences of one bad conversation are profound and can undo a zillion great conversations. Children believe what they feel comes from your deepest emotion - so when you lose your temper or yell or cut them down, they will believe and hold much more from that interaction. We do not have the luxury of bad conversations... We need to many times each day be saying things like - I so love you, You are great kid, I am so happy God honored me by putting you in our house, You are the only child I wanted and couldn't wait to take home from that band performance., I love you forever and no matter what.. Randy states that if these conversations are not common and daily in your house, you are carrying around a lot of your own baggage that you need to work on yourself! Proverbs 12:18 "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."
3. Do you believe in their worth and value even though they are very different in temperament and interests than you? Do you really want to get to know them, spend time with them, and value and praise their differences and uniqueness?
4. Do your children believe that you speak more about their worth and value than you do about their failure? And when did you stop saying good boy or bad boy, and instead say good choices or bad choices? (Son, you made a really bad choice AND you mean the world to me and God and we believe in you always)... Say a blessing over your child each day in person or on phone reminding them that they are loved by you and God no matter what, and that they can live out their dreams. This makes sure the big rock always stays big rock, since we continually leak.
5. Have you learned how to really listen? (Draw me the picture of your life today or what happened.) If Randy could do his parenting over again, he would teach less and listen more.
6. Are you emotionally available? If your work, house, hobbies, or TV has kidnapped your emotional availability consistently, you have robbed your children.
Randy encourages us to have people praying for our parenting and have wise experienced parents around to help us. And that we must constantly know ourselves and teach our children about the truth of our identity!
Faith - Prodigal God! - lessons from the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:25-32) about God's amazing grace!, from a 3 part sermon series at my church in June,
"prodigal" - means extravagant; reckless; radical
Younger son - radical arrogance - interested only in what he can get, and then is broken and repentant, didn't deserve grace but is model of us all with God's prodigal grace
Older son - radical religious moralism, and felt since he worked he was deserving, impressive on outside but unfinished on inside
The sons father - extravagant and recless grace and is the model and representation of our awesome God, runs to meet his lost son, humbles himself, forgives and restores
Our prodigal God - He wants to be our father, He always forgives and wipes away our sin, He makes us clean and holy and restores us, He will always receive us back, He wants relationship and to wolk with Him, He sees into our hearts, He humbled himself for us
We are saved by grace. Are we prodigal with our grace, and is our default set to grace?..
With my prayers and hugs for you and your family!
Dr. Lisa