Monday, May 31, 2010

Eric's Max Effort Workout, Adrenal DHEA Hormone, Raising Sons & Daughters

Happy Memorial Day!

This is my daughter Annika and my nephew Sheriff Bryce Wolf in Annika's third grade class last week. My deepest thanks to him for teaching her class about his profession and answering all their many questions on his day off! (And my deepest thanks to Annika's terrific teacher Mrs. Hunter and to all our wonderful dedicated teachers. Please help them out and help in school as much as you can!) Annika was the student of the week last week in her class and was allowed to invite a guest speaker. Bryce was her 1st choice, and she feels his job is much more interesting than any of her parent's jobs!

Are you aerobically exercising at least a half hour 5 days a week? Are you watching any TV or non work related activities on your computer? Then you have plenty of time to do the aerobic exercise. God gave you a wonderful body and you need to exercise and care well for it! Do not turn on the TV or computer until you have exercised. You must make exercise a priority and plan each week ahead to accomplish it... You and your health will thank you! Eric gives a great workout routine below that he planned and had me and my husband and son do last week when he trained us (and there is another great routine that he filmed me doing on my blog last month that you can alternate between). I recommend you calling Eric to hire him (or another excellent trainer like him) to get you started well and keep you going!

Eric's Fitness Tips
Max Effort Work out
Eric Walden

Here is a great workout that takes only about 20 minutes. It is a max effort workout. Meaning you only do each exercise once, but you leave nothing left in the tank after each one. Make sure to record the number of reps you do for each exercise. This way you can keep track of your progress. At the bottom I will put some alternative exercises. The only equipment you may need is a pull up bar. These are easily purchased at Wal-Mart or Target for $20, the kind that goes in the doorway. Keep a water bottle handy during this one, I told Lisa to keep the cap off too for easy access. This one is just as much about the heart muscle as it is about the muscles you are working.
I have room for new clients over the summer. So please email me or call to set up an appointment. or 765-404-7343

Each exercise is to be done for 50 seconds. All out effort is required. You get 10-15 seconds rest in between each exercise.

Max Effort Workout
Date & Reps - journal the date and # of reps to chart your and even your family progress!
1. Pull ups
2. Prisoner Squat with Jump
3. Mountain Climber
4. Jump Lunges
5. Clap Push-ups
6. Bicycle crunches
7. Dips
8. Lunge Front to Back
9. Side Crunch with leg raise
10. Burpees

1. Pull-ups – self explanatory, but there is a way to this without a pull-up bar. Using a broom stick place the broom on two chairs leaving a gap in between the chairs. Lying flat on the ground line your chest up with the broom. Then using an overhand grip grab the broom. Keep your body tight pull yourself up so your chest touches the broom. The key here is keep your abs engaged to keep your body straight.
2. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and clasp hands behind the head, squat down and upon rising jump. It doesn’t have to be an all out jump, just jump.
3. In a push-up position jump feet in and out keep your hands in place. The key here is keeping your hips down. If the hips rise it takes away from the exercise.
4. Basically doing a normal lunge but upon standing back up you are jumping and while in the air move feet from front to back and vice versa. For first time clients I let them hold onto a bar for additional help.
5. Do a normal push up but thrust your body in the air and clap and return hands to position be for you fall. If you can’t do clap push-ups do regular push-ups. I had Lisa’s husband us a bosu ball and as he came up he pulled the bosu off the ground. Still getting the impact of a clap push up but less dangerous.
6. Bicycle crunches- everyone has done these. Make sure the breath on this one. I tend to hold my breath when doing this particular exercise.
7. Dips- You can use a bench or even a chair to perform this exercise.
8. Lunge front to back- this is a stationary lunge, but instead of just going forward, use the same foot and do a front lunge as you stand up swing you leg behind you and do a backward lunge. Use the same leg for 50 seconds then switch legs.
9. Side Crunch- staying on your side crunch up and bring your knees up to your elbow. It takes a little coordination to perform this exercise.
10. Burpee- From a standing position squat down placing hands in a push-up position and jump both legs back into a full push- up position then jump both legs back to the front then stand up. Repeat.
Adrenal Hormone Natural Supplement DHEA
DHEA is secreted by the adrenal glands (small glands above the kidneys which secrete many of our hormones). It is the precursor for the synthesis of more than 50 hormones, including estrogen and testosterone. DHEA has also been shown to stimulate the production of insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1), a hormone which stimulates anabolic metabolism, accerates muscle growth, inmproves insulin sensitivity, and enhances energy production.
Production of DHEA peaks during the mid-20s, and then begins a progresive steady decline with age, and declines with increased stress. Low levels have been in some reports associated with common diseases of aging (hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis), loss of muscle mass, memory/mood/energy problems, vaginal dryness, and decreased libido/sexual dysfunction,\ among other things.
I consider checking DHEA blood levels in patients with hormone problems/issues or patients with chronic nonspecific problems (especially chronic fatigue). When cost of the test is an issue, I often recomend a trial of this inexpensive supplement. The most common dose is 5-10 mg dissolved under the tongue or vaginally. The uses I especially consider DHEA for are decreased libido, decreased energy/mood, and vaginal dryness.
Family and Faith
Daughters -"MOM'S Everything Book for Daughters" by Becky Freeman
Chapter "Beauty at What Price?"
We need to constantly remind ourselves and especially our daughters that God made us each uniquely beautiful exactly the way we are and there is not another girl exactly like us! The right guy when we are dating will be attracted to our inner and outer beauty at the right time without any premeditated sexy moves. Hollywood and our culture images of beauty in women are not real and are psychologically dangerous to girls, so limit as much as possible those TV, computer, or magazine images. What can you do to help your daughter feel good about herself physically?
-focus on what is important - values, character, and behaviour - much more than looks
-don't communicate your own weight concerns with your daughter
-let her know weight gai during puberty is not only natural but important for healthy development (and regular periods)
-keep your coments positive and realistic
-stress health and fitness as a family (don't single just one child out) - eat regular healthy meals, have healthy foods and snacks, eat (slowly) when hungray and stop when you are full, and exercise daily
-have no tolerance for teasing
-appropriately touch and hug our daughters as we verbally approve of their iner and outer beauty
-remember even our very pretty girls are insecure
"Tell your daughter that, "You are lovely and, truly , your beauty is a pleasure to behold. But I want you to read this line from Marmie and know that what I most cherish in you is the beauty you carry inside your heart. And these are the things God cherishes most in you as well.""
One of the most profound statements mother can make to her daughter comes from the movie "Little Women" when Marmie is combing her daughter's lovely hair, "I only care what you think of yourself. If you feel your value lies in bing merely decorative, I fear that someday you might find yourself believing that's all you really are. Time erodes all such beauty. But what it cannot diminish is the wonderful workings of your mind - your humor, your kindness, and your moral courage. These are the things I cherish so in you."
Write this quote out for your daughter on a pretty piece of paper in very nice handwriting or nice font from your computer, and suggest she keep it somewhere where she can read it often or at least occasionally!
Memory verse to have her w
rite out or type as a reminder of her truest, innermost beauty, 1Peter 3:3-4, "Don't be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on jewelry, or beautiful clothes, or hair arrangement. Be beautiful inside, in your hearts, with the lasting charm of a gentle and quiet spirit which is so precious to God."
Sons - next blog!
Remember His greatest comandment is to LOVE - the joys in our lives as well as the testy's, foes, and fars. If I (or you) harbor any resentment or hatred toward just one individul in the world, by that much I am separated from God... Phillip Yancy says in his book "What's so Amazing About Grace", that we only love Jesus as much as we love the person we like the least...
With my hugs and prayers,
Dr. Lisa