Greetings and Blessings to ALL!
Prevention and Control of Influenza
Swine and other flu is transmitted through coughing, sneezing, or by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching your mouth or nose. The symptoms include fever, body aches, cough, fatigue, headache, chills, and sore throat. Per government direction we cannot write prescriptions for tamiflu to be kept on hand just in case, because we could run out of the medicine for people infected or in close contact with someone with influenza. The following are tips and actions to prevent the spread of germs that cause flu and other respiratory illesses (and there is no vaccine now available to prevent swine flu).
1. Healthy Living (all of these help build your immune system)
-get plenty of sleep (at least 7 or more hours a night)
-eat a healthy diet (at least 5-10 servings of healthy veggies and fruits/day)
-exercise regularly (at least 1/2 hour a day 5 days/week of aerobic exercise)
-drink plenty of water (at least 64 ounces a day)
-take your Vitamin D!!! - A large study is to come out the end of the year showing significant help to avoid viral infections in people who take high doses of vitamin D taken for several weeks around viral outbreaks. Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that has profound efects on our immune system, and has been shown already that Vitamin D deficiencies predispose children to respiratory infections. Please read my earlier March blog for more about the vital importance of Vitamin D. During this several week time of the swine flu pandemic, I recommend taking for most teenagers and adults 5000iu/day (unless you feel you have a special condition/multiple problems that you want to consult us for your own dose). We carry a well absorbed and very inexpensive Vitamin D 5000iu capsule, and if we are not close to you or are currently out of stock (we have been going through a lot), please go to your local good health food store. Once the flu pandemic is over, then return to 1000-2000iu/day, unless we advise you differently. At your yearly physical and well child exams, please ask us to check your Vitamin D level to assess your individual ongoing need.
-take your other vitamins, especially a good multivitamin (in my For Your Health information sheet accessed on our website tabs see an article written by chiropractor and nutritionist Dr. Zimmer about how to pick out good vitamins and supplements), Vitamin C, and omega fish/flaxseed oil
2. Prevention Steps
-avoid close contact with sick people
-wash your hands with soap and water often (or alcohol based hand cleaners), especially after a cough or sneeze
-avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth (germs spread this way)
-cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze with a tissue
-if you get sick with influenza, stay home from work or school and limit contact with others
-if you are in close contact with a person diagnosed with influenza, please see us for evaluation and tamiflu prevention
Fitness Tips by Eric
My name is Eric Walden and Dr. Miller asked me to write for her blog to bring a different side of exercise. I am a fitness supervisor at Westview Healhtplex Sports Club. I have my BA from Purdue in Health and Fitness and I am a Certified Personal Trainer through American College of Sports Medicine.
The first part of what I want to share about exercise involves behavior. A lot of us are currently exercising, but there are also a lot of us that do not. I can give you a 10 minute or 20 minute routine to do, but the reality is most of you won’t do it because you are not ready to change. Your behavior is what makes you who you are and do the things you like to do. Below is the Transtheoretical Behavior Change Model.
Pre-contemplation - "people are not intending to take action in the foreseeable future, usually measured as the next 6 months"
Contemplation - "people are intending to change in the next 6 months"
Preparation - "people are intending to take action in the immediate future, usually measured as the next month"[nb 1]
Action - "people have made specific overt modifications in their life styles within the past 6 months"
Maintenance - "people are working to prevent relapse," a stage which is estimated to last "from 6 months to about 5 years"
Termination - "individuals have zero temptation and 100% self-efficacy... they are sure they will not return to their old unhealthy habit as a way of coping"[nb 2]
Where do you fall? Which stage best defines where are you at with your exercise? Once you figure this out you can start working towards your exercise routine. At first keep your routine simple. It doesn’t need to last long. Next time I’ll get more into the meat and potatoes of exercising. Change doesn’t come easy. It takes time, but once you do change you have to set your self up for success. Remember “KISS” Keep It Simple Silly.
Parenting Tips for Teens (taken from "For Parents Only", by Feldhahn and Rice)
1. Remember your teen has a desparate quest for freedom and fear of losing it. Get to know you teen. Set specific expectations, especially regarding driving, internet and cell phone use, informing you where they are/when they will be home, never lying (and the worst consequences for this). Choose discipline with their fear triggers in mind.
2. Who are you? Your teen is finding out who they are, and expect them questioning your values to be able understand and become their own individual. As parents, we need first to lead by example, and affirm who they are becoming (and spend the time to get to know them!). Say something like, "I love and value you and want to understand who you are becoming."
-more to come in my next blog
Remember, work to not worry or be anxious, even with the flu outbreak- carry one stick at a time!
"I compare the troubles which we have to undergo in the course of the year to a great bundle of sticks, far too large for us to lift. But God does not require us to carry the whole at once. He mercifully unties the bundle, and gives us first one stick, which we are to carry today, and the another, which we are to carry tomorrow, and so on. This we might easily manage, if we would only take the burden appointed for each day; but we choose to increase our troubles by carrying yesterdays stick over again today, and adding tomorrow's burden to the load, before we are required to bear it." by John Newton
Two antidotes to anxiety
Prayer - "Pray and let God worry." by Martin Luther
Trust - "Oh, how great peace and quietness he would possess who should cut off all vain anxiety and place all his confidence in God." by Thomas a' Kempis
"If we worry, we are not trusting God." by Dr. Lisa
"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you, He will never leave or fosake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deut. 31:8
My prayers for all of us and our families and the world for health, safety, and to be filled to overflowing with the fruit of His Spirit - love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control!
Dr Lisa