Your are so very special and dear to God - Welcome! I hope your are enjoying the beautiful Fall colors! This past week I had the honor of speaking to MOPS (Mothers of Preshoolers) at my church, Trader's Point Christian Church. I will review the subject of alcohol abuse, my talk to MOPS, and lessons from Jonah, along with Eric's Tips. (Above picture is from my parent's 60th wedding anniversary celebration.)
Screening and Treatment of Alcohol Abuse
Screening and Treatment of Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol abuse and dependence are associated with 100,000 deaths each year in the US (traffic deaths, cirrhosis of the liver, cancer, heart disease, and more), cause 30 - 40 percent of all traffic fatalities, and affect approximately 10 percent of Americans at some point in their lives. Unhealthy alcohol use affects 7 to 20 percent of Americans, and risky drinking affects up to 30 percent (and binge drinking affects over 40 percent of teens and college students). Early drinkers are FOUR times more likely to develop alcoholism than those who begin alcohol intake at age 21.
Binge Drinking = 5 or more drinks at one sitting for men, 4 or more for women
At Risk Drinking (or Heavy Drinking) = greater than 14 drinks per week or 4 drinks per occasion for men, and greater than 7 drinks per week or 3 drinks per occasion for women
Alcohol Dependence = maladaptive(problematic) pattern of alcohol use associated with 3 or more of the following:
-Substance taken in larger quantity than intended
-Persistent desire to cut down or control use
-Time is spent obtaining, using, or recovering from alcohol
-Social, occupational, or recreational tasks are sacrificed
-Use continues despite physical and psychological problems
Standard drink = 12 oz of regular beer, 5 oz of wine, 1.5 oz of 80-proof distilled spirit
Moderate Drinking = LESS than 3 drinks per day for men, and LESS than 2 drinks per day for women
We work to screen all patients for alcohol misuse (current and past). Alcohol abuse and dependence run in families, and 1st degree relatives have a 3 to 4 fold increased risk of alcohol abuse than the general population. Depression and mental disorders are much more frequent in people who misuse alcohol, and it is estimated that alcoholism accounts for 25 percent of suicides. As many as 80 percent of people with alcohol problems smoke, and 30 percent of smokers have alcohol problems. Red flags for the possibility of alcohol abuse and dependence are driving while intoxicated, job loss, physical trauma, frequent emergency room visits, unexpected accidents, and frequent family problems.
Screening Questionnaires - These are better than laboratory tests for detecting heavy or problem drinking in groups of people (on routine physical labs, elevated liver enzymes can be a clue to heavy/problematic drinking). One of the best, easiest, and most common questionnaires is the CAGE Questionare.
CAGE Questionnaire
-Have you ever felt the need to Cut down on drinking?
-Have you ever felt Annoyed by criticism of your drinking?
-Have you ever had Guilty feelings about your drinking?
-Do you ever take a morning Eye opener (a drink 1st thing in the morning to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover)?
The goal of treatment for alcohol misuse, abuse and dependence can be broadly seen as restoration of medical and social well-being by control of the alcohol problem. One group has defined recovery as "a voluntarily maintained lifestyle characterized by sobriety, personal health, and citizenship". Treatments include: motivational enhancement therapy (motivational counseling), brief intervention (ask about alcohol use, Assess, Advise, Assist), cognitive behavioral therapy, hospitalization and referral, Alcoholics Anonymous (abstinence is encouraged "one day at a time", and the Twelve Step Program uses the acknowledgment that alcohol has led to loss of control that recovery is a spiritual journey through belief in a higher power, and through personal exploration and acceptance), and medicine therapy (naltrexone, acamprosate, nalmefene, disulfiram=antabuse, topiramate, and others), and nutrition and exercise.
Eric's Tips - coming soon
Family and Faith
I shared my most passionate topic for young mothers - make certain your actions and thinking and time show that God and then your husband are the most important things in your life. I made many mistakes in my first marriage, and know God wants me to use my knowledge from this to help keep marriages healthy and great for God. How you spend your time shows exactly what is most important to you (like tonight I made certain to read the Bible with my husband and nine year old before I started work on this blog, as well as going weekly to church, small group, and woman's bible study, and working to daily respect and affirm my wonderful God-given treasure of my husband Bruce, and then near daily exercise and healthy diet to maintain my health). As a wonderful Godly woman and patient of mine Kathryn discussed with me when she found out that I was talking with MOPS - "If a child sees he can manipulate you as a couple he will do so, but actually feels much more secure and less likely to act out if you and your husband love and respect each other and work as a team. A child must feel safe and if their foundation is not strong - then problems start - then this creates tension on the marriage -- stop all this before it starts by always keeping God first and husband. Work to always kiss/hug and greet each other first before kissing and hugging your children - even if they come running to you 1st, you will make a lifelong lesson of marriage the priority by making them wait until you hug and kiss Mommy or Daddy first."
I also discussed that mothers and fathers need to remember that you and God (the Lord of our lives and not our consultant) know your children the best. We physicians are here as your consultants - you listen to our recommendations, but you make the ultimate decisions with your children along with prayer and God's direction. I recommended reading or listening to the great parenting book/guide, "Shepherding A Child's Heart", which we have at our office for checkout of the audio cd and my detailed summary of the book under Resources on our website. Kathryn also has a great suggestion of praying with your child while you are driving (for example, behaving at school, giving the child strength through faith, tests, etc.), and having family hugs at the end of each day for forgiveness.
Lessons from Jonah
Finally Aaron discussed the amazing topic of GRACE this Sunday. After being the beneficiary of God's grace, then Jonah did not want God to give grace to Ninevah. This well illustrates that grace is easy to receive but not easy to give. We need to remember that - I am saved by grace to give grace! Justice is getting what you deserve. Mercy is not getting what you deserve. GRACE is getting what you never expected to receive. If we live lives devoid of grace, we will seriously erode our integrity. We need to remember each one of us IS the church with the most important commandment to LOVE, and then to die to self and remember always that we are saved by grace to give grace.
5 Point Checklist - remember to teach our children to ask themselves these questions
Is it wise?
Is it safe?
Is it healthy?
Would God agree/approve,?
Would my parents agree/approve?
I thank our amazing God for each one of you so wonderfully and specially made, and thank Him for providing for us, blessing us, and always pursuing us. I pray for all of us to be wonderfully transformed through our storms; that God gives you and your family health and safety, and to be filled to overflowing with the fruit of His Spirit; and that we always remember and use for God's kingdom the supernatural all-powerful Spirit in us!
Dr. Lisa